Romanticized Women

Pre-Spring/Mid-Winter beauty: Last January I went to the Delaware Art Museum and learned about Pre-Raphaelite Feminist Painter Evelyn DeMorgan. She painted older women into her works and young women in scenes wishing to escape(even asking for death) their rich, elderly husbands they were forced to marry. Her husband was the son of a mathematician and he created ceramics that Evelyn designed. He would use math to make everything symmetrical. She supported his art selling her work till he wrote a book that made him financially successful. As you can see the work is quite lovely.

I suspect I found it inspiring as I came home and made this piece with some materials I’ve had for some time now. (Of course, I do actually have a work space now so that also helps).

Iolite, labradorite, gray agate, antique beads from the 30s, silver plated findings, hand enameled pendant plate, silver flower toggle, Chinese fire crystals, vintage Czech glass beads.

Tips for Eating Less Meat in 2024

Tips for Veganuary

  1. Don’t worry about being perfect! There’s lots to learn tho it is easier than ever to eat less animal products.

  2. Don’t let people make you feel bad about eating Beyond products or Impossible products(seriously seeing this happen is very irritating to me). It’s excellent to have them and hey, they can be pretty yummy.

  3. It’s quite likely there are substitutes for your favorite recipes. Spend a little time looking up vegan versions if you like to cook for yourself.

  4. Make sure to get protein which is plentiful in a vegan diet. Nuts, tofu, hummus, greens, oats, etc… iron and protein is pretty easy to come by! It’s a common misconception that it’s not.

  5. However! B12 and vitamin D in winter especially are something to pay attention to when you completely cut out meat. There are easy to find fortified foods (like Orange juice or cereals) as well as getting supplements. You may very well not be getting enough on an omnivores diet so take time to take care of yourself.

  6. Pay no attention to the vegan “police” (you’ll know who they are) no one is perfect and shame is a terrible motivation. Truthfully my partner was a little this way when we met. It took time but I made him realize it was more fun to go find the vegan donuts for people than to bitch about someone making mistakes.

  7. Ask your vegan pals. People have frequently given me shit whether or not I say a word about my diet. We are more than happy to answer questions when we know someone isn’t just being obtuse. In fact, I prolly get too excited about it. 🙃

  8. Feel good about trying! Lifestyle changes are challenging. They take time and effort but now is the time more than ever to take care of yourself and maybe even help animals and the planet a bit. We all have a part to play in this world, work on your corner of it. Changing my diet took a while but it’s quite possibly the best decision I’ve ever made (or pretty close anyway lol)

  9. Be adventurous. So many different kinds of foods to try from all over the world. And BIPOC have always contributed in spectacular ways. Look up some of their social media accounts for example. I can’t even imagine life without Indian food or Vietnamese food.

  10. Be careful not to get too carb heavy or only buy processed foods. This is how a lot of folks take a wrong turn. You’ll feel sluggish and hungry. Nothing wrong with some easy prep foods, but don’t let it become your main meals everyday. And no I’m not saying give up bread (never!) just pay attention to how much you’re eating. It burns off fast and that’s why you’ll also need your protein!

  11. Happy Cow App is an excellent resource especially for traveling.

The Artwork of Kim Simonsson

I recently went to see an exhibit by artist Kim Simonsson at the American Swedish Institute.

A place I have seen some of the most delightful, whimsical art and as someone who has gone to lots of former fancy people homes I can speak with authority to the fact that it also has some of the best wood work, ceilings, and fireplaces in the world. 

It is kept up better than a lot of places and seems to specialize in unique Scandinavian art. 

This exhibit was no exception. 

It had a dreamy, romantic quality with just a touch of creepiness that all fairy tales seem to possess. 

People always point to bright, glossy wedding pictures and proclaim fairy tale, leaving out that fairy tales are darkness filled cautionary tales that include a lot of work to make it to the dreamy wedding/ending. 

I have also attended a few events at the ASI including the Loki Halloween party a few years ago and they are good fun. They sadly never have any vegan treats, but you can usually get a pretty good drink from the bar. 

In years passed, my partner and I used to purchase mystery books in Swedish from the gift shop for his hundred-year-old grandfather which was of great delight to him. 

The shop has a great number of lovely things to behold and I always stop in there as well on a visit. It's probably my second favorite in town to visit behind the Russian Art Museum's shop which has no shortage of wondrous objects. 

I leave you with a collection of snaps I took on this visit: The Moss People

DJ Curium's Dance for UnCanny Con-Goers

My playlist from my set at 2018 CONvergence this passed weekend: 

Bad Reputation from the movie Kick Ass covered by The Hit Girls

Let’s Do It from the movie Tank Girl covered by Joan Jett and Paul Westerberg

Everyone is Wrong from the movie Elektra by The Donnas

Kids in America from the television show Riverdale (inspired by Archie Comics) covered by KJ Apa and Camilla Mendes

None of Your Business (Barb Wire metal mix) from the movie Barb Wire by Salt 'n' Pepa

Backdoor Lover from the movie Josie and the Pussycats "performed" by Du Jour

I Want Your Cray Cray from the television show Jessica Jones performed by Rachel Taylor (Trish Walker) & Kandi Marks

It’s On Again (piano edition) from the movie The Amazing Spider-Man 2 by Alicia Keys featuring Kendrick Lamar

King Charles from Marvel’s The Runaways by YUNGBLUD

DeadPool Rap from the movie Deadpool by TEAMHEADKICK

Wrek tha Discotek from the movie Blade by Roger Sanchez & Soulson

Opps from the movie Black Panther by Vince Staples & Yugen Blakrok

99 Red Balloons from the movie Watchmen by Nena

Just Like Heaven from the movie Atomic Blonde (based on the comic Coldest City) by The Cure (I picked a song from this movie because there is a scene in which there is a television on in the background and an Information Society video is on)

(Can’t You) Trip like I Do from the movie Spawn by Filter & the Crystal Method

Atom Bomb from the original X-Men movie by Fluke

Poison Lips from the movie Dredd (based on the comic 
Judge Dredd) by Vitalic

Bidibodi Bidibu from the television show Wynonna Earp by Bubbles

Wonder Woman’s Wrath (edited) from the movie Wonder Woman by Rupert Gregson-Williams

What to Eat Wednesday: Fig & Farro

Earlier this year as winter was dragging on and Minneapolis was trapped under the weight of a certain sports ball event, a new vegetarian restaurant opened its doors and brightened the grey days. We lost a lot of good veg places last year to retirements and lost rental contracts so getting something new was a great thing for us vegan types. 

Fig and Farro took over an old space that was home to one of the more successful places in town. For reasons I do not know it changed names and then didn't really seem to do too well. Oh well. Their loss, our gain.

Fig & Farro has a sustainable, low-carbon footprint sort of mission as well as a delicious menu.

I have eaten here a handful of times now and it is delightful. They really seem to shine with their pasta dishes. That said they have now changed to a summer menu I am dying to go try. 

Rich, luscious, and rounded out with local bits and pieces such as the vegan cheese platter from makers Punk Rawk Labs(divine). 

They have quite an imaginative cocktail list and even though the one I liked the most  (The Copenhagen Hotel) has since gone away, there's plenty of new ones I look forward to tasting. 

They have Minnesota brews on tap and Aquavit from Tattersall distillery. 

The only slight critical thing I have to say is the service is unsteady. Always friendly to be sure, but things come out of order or not at all and you have to ask. We've gotten things we didn't order and on the All You Can Eat $12 soup night (which I did enjoy a great deal) we were a bit early. So we waited for them to set up but even by the time they were supposed to be going (5 pm) they still aren't ready at a quarter after. 

These are the issues of a new staff and a relatively new space. I think it'll work itself out and it's definitely not a reason to not visit. And anyway they have multiple vegan desserts to pick from so that fixes a lot. 


See some of my pics! Vegan Cheese platter, Cocktails, Cashew Pesto Pasta, Blueberry Cinnamon Roll, Strawberry Shortcake and more.....

New Things

I am in the process of listing new items in my Etsy shop as well as changing its name and a bit of its identity. I still love geeky things, but of everything my true love is stories and storytelling. Not all that long ago at a show I was at someone pointed out to me that every single piece I sell has a story behind it. This is true. These are tales for your ears, fingers, necks. From the stones I use to the parts I recycle. 

The change is taking some time, but I've made many new things some already listed in my shop.

You can currently find things here: GirlyGeekChic.

DJ Curium's Witching Hour

Well, I attempted my first night of djing in a club a few weeks ago, and it went much better than I thought. 

Allow me to share my playlist: 

Wanderer-Symone Smash-it

Sign of the Zodiac-Rasputina

Iceblink Luck-Cocteau Twins

Witchcraft-Book of Love 

White Rabbit-Collide

Fallen-One Dove

Heaven-the Golden Palominos

Bazamba-Sister Soleil

Violently Happy-Bjork

Daymalhum-Natacha Atlas

Veka(ext.)-Zola Jesus 

Ha Howa Ha Howa-Sexwitch

Strangeness and Charm-Florence and the Machine 

Down by the Water-PJ Harvey 


*If everything goes to hell I’m just going to put this on and leave bonus song” Open Your Heart covered by Birthday Massacre

That point when....

 you are measuring things in decades

Just some snaps for heading into CON's 20th anniversary. There so much more I could add, but I'm tired and these are just for me anyway.

Fire Mama's Spring Bizarre Bazaar

I have been working on getting ready for an event that is very unique. Something I have not yet done as a creator. It is a night market that is a part of a fire arts event. Just crazy fun stuff. Fire spinning, fashion show, bands, djs, and artist market.

You can find the information here and I'll share some photos of some of the things I'll have for sale! You should come!

It's Just Not That Simple

Yes - a post about guns. But probably not in the way you would expect from me at this point. A couple of years ago, after yet another mass shooting and another long, drawn out argument with people I was surrounded by, it struck me that none of us had very many facts. There are a lot of reasons for this, not the least of which is that the US works pretty hard on behalf of companies to *not* study gun-related tragedy. And many of us are manipulated by our emotions, pretty hard-pressed to maintain a cool head when you see the names of little kids being murdered while at the same time politicians are screaming at you that your liberty is under attack - from the president to terrorists. We're not robots after all.

However this *has* been studied by many, many other people without the aid of government. And this realization happened at the same time someone recommended this podcast to me, which in turn sent me down a long path of research that challenged many of the things that I thought about gun control. It's not a particularly easy task to undertake un-brainwashing yourself in whatever degree it needs to happen. At this point most of us are pretty aware we have stupid thoughts about things we didn't even realize. Be it guns, sex workers, multi-gender bathrooms - you name it. A lot of us have to unlearn stupid shit, usually on our own.

Now don't get me wrong. A measure of gun control would serve to mitigate some of the effects of firearm related death in the United States, just probably not in the way that you think. It certainly wasn't in the way that I thought. Some of it was obvious and some of it wasn't. And it's pretty hard to admit to yourself that we live in a country that not only tells us it's our right to own guns but it's our privilege to kill people, as we devalue life here on a pretty regular basis - our own and others. And of course, we know the people who convince us our liberty is under threat are taking it from us, not by way of the second amendment, but by pressing that boot down a little harder in easier to miss ways: voter id laws, arming police forces with military grade weapons, making it illegal to protest in certain places, etc... They don't need guns to do it.

I want to live in world without guns. This will not happen in my lifetime. Maybe it will happen never. But it can be worked for, and that, in turn, can make things better and safer for many, many of us. Including gun owners, who by and large support gun control measures. This is true, you can easily look this up. They don't want to be shot any more than anyone else.

There will always be these people who will be the outliers, who kill many people for seemingly no reason. But there are reasons - you just can't always see them unless you look deeper. And it's complicated, visceral, and at times terrifying. Knowing that not all these mass shootings can be prevented is also something you're going to learn. Not to say some of them can't be, but not all of them can be. Again. We're not robots, we are flawed, broken human beings.

But at this point the conversation needs to change. 

There is a very real discussion to be had about mental illness and guns and it has little to do with mass shootings and everything to do with firearm-related suicide that numbers into the double digit thousands every year in this country. Most of those 30,000 deaths you hear about are not because of school shootings. And yes, the conversation needs to happen about why 19 years olds have access to military grade weapons-obviously-don't only react when it happens. Take the time to learn. Things will change. It is not easy and it is challenging and it will make you angry, sad, and defeated. But it will also open up your eyes that one seemingly simple solution doesn't exist and yes, someone will always scream about the second amendment, in turn missing the entire point of both freedom and liberty but that's okay because that's not your audience anymore. 

I encourage you to use this Two-Part episode (Starting at #39 titled Guns) as a jumping off point. And if you really want to know, get past the first pages of research that is only from places like Fox News and the NY Times and learn:

Science Vs.

Where to Take Your Vegan Valentine to Eat...

A few ideas of where to stop for a meal lunch or dinner for your vegan Valentine. I've written about these places before with the exception of Namaste Cafe and I am not sure why I haven't written about them because they are great. 

Let's start with Pizza Nea. I've recently written about my love for Pizza Nea and of course, there is always a good chance that your Valentine, crush, or buddy likes pizza too. This place is fancy enough for a date but not so fancy to weird anyone out. Wine, artisan pizza, community can't go wrong because they also have an extensive vegan menu complete with cheeses and meats from neighbor Herbivorous Butcher.


In the same neighborhood (because let's just say NE Minneapolis has some great food and drinks) is Gorkha Palace.

A delicious sojourn into Nepali, Indian, Tibetan food. Which is well known to be vegan friendly throughout the world and some of my favorites. I love their momos and the extremely spicy Saag Dish. Melt your face off spice when you want it. How hot do you like it? And you can never go wrong with Chana!


Head over to St. Paul to a long time favorite and "off the beaten path" as it were to Everest On Grand

Tofu pakoras made with chickpea flour (a far superior flour IMHO) this place is best described as AROMATIC-yes in all caps. The staff is always friendly and they have a clearly labeled menu. I love, love eating here. I've never had a dish I didn't like and they also have momos(very important).

For a touch of fancy dress up for Valentine's Day you can head over to wonderful and faithful Jasmine 26. 

You cannot go wrong with Basil Noodles, Curry Noodles, Salt and Pepper Tofu, Fried Vegan Egg Roll and their drinks. Yeah, like all of them. It's a nicer place too. I love vegan food and casual, comfy which is Minnesota's dress code just fine, but I definitely prefer to dress up and it's nice to not feel totally out of place once in a while (though mostly you just always are if you are me).


New place alert! A great little spot just starting out with something that no one has: VEGAN CREPES! I ate my fair share of vegan crepes in NO in October(more on that later) and was sad to leave them behind only to come home to a tiny, new shop with vegan crepes and vegan ice cream! Hooray! I don't have a great picture of the crepes but what you need to know is that they are savory and delicious and you should take your favorite humans here for a treat. Crepe and Spoon would be happy to supply your daily salty and sweet needs for the afternoon.

If you need a nice lunch because who doesn't and you'd like to share your Valentine's Day spirit with a pink cocktail you should look no further than Namaste Cafe. They have GOOD FOOD. And fulfill your need for a fried potato once in a while with their amazing 5 Spice Potatoes. But don't stop there: Chili Tofu, Golguppa, Chana Chat Plaat are all delightful. Charming atmosphere as it's in an old Victorian house in Uptown.


Go forth and spread the love! 

Boycotting the State of the Union

It's no secret that POTUS is a size queen. Numbers and ratings are all that matter. This is one of the first times that I can remember that I will not watch the State of the Union and whereas I know it is tempting to do so since it will no doubt be a spectacle-NOPE.
With that in mind, allow me to proffer to you a list of things that my partner & I came up with that you can do instead of watching the continued demise of the nation. Complete with a playlist for all your frustration and rage.
And besides, all the best parts will be memes about 5 seconds afterwards. 

Things to do instead of watching the State of the Union:
-Make Tacos
-Grab yourself by the pussy
-Get someone to spank you with a magazine
-Gold plate a toilet
-Dress like a lady
-Dress like a Gentleman
-Dress like a clown
-Quit Twitter
-Click on non-Trump stories on CNN, NYT, AND WAPO. You don’t even have to read them(but you should). 
-Register to vote. 
-MN DFL caucuses start next week(Feb. 6th), do you know where yours is being held?----->DFL.

-Donate to a female candidate.
-Call your reps and leave them a message explaining why you are not watching the SOTU.
-Make new protest signs cuz we’re gonna need them.
-Do some witchcraft.
-Donate to Black Lives Matter.
-Take the time to learn about Trans Rights and what the community faces. 
-Take this Buzzfeed quiz to show how you are also a very stable genius: Very Stable Geniuses Genus

State of the Union Playlist:

20,000 Hardcore Members - Messiah
Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who
Paranoiattack - The Faint
BattleFlag - Lo-Fidelity All Stars 
Make Things Right - Sultan and Shepard
More and Faster - KMFDM
Don’t Believe the Hype - Public Enemy 
Straight Outta Vagina - Pussy Riot 
How to be a Millionaire - ABC 
Doomsday - Nero
Professional Griefers - DeadMau5 and Gerard Way 
Nazi Punks Fuck Off - Dead Kennedys 
I Fought the Law - covered by Green Day
You Talk Too Much - RunDMC
To All New Arrivals - Faithless
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Pussy - Lords of Acid
Don’t Argue - Cabaret Voltaire 
From Russia with Love - David Arnold featuring Natacha Atlas

*Bonus-Laibach has the whole facist mood down to an art form, so if you're feeling it, include their theme from Iron Sky which, if I understand correctly, is a movie about moon Nazis.

Just a Bunch of Art from d'Orsay

Another place people write about a lot and I don't have much to add so here is a bunch of beautiful things to look at and daydream about:

A note...

I was going to put up a post today about Vegan Valentine's Day food and where to get it and maybe I will do it today but likely tomorrow-I changed my mind because I came across some stuff about Climate Change in Minnesota that is worth taking a look can find the information here: Minnesota.

I love this state and it's been so obvious to me and many other people the changes that have been happening here due to global warming. It's pretty disheartening because a lot of what makes Minnesota unique is disappearing. I mean, we just had our first significant snowstorm in years. I know people make jokes about how they are fine with it, but in reality it is very bad for the overall health of the state. I am only one person and I have no money or influence, but I do try to do things to better the health of the space around me. I hope others will as well. I am planning on doubling the amount of things I grow this year. I am getting better at it and I like so much having green things around. It is a learning process for sure and of course I have cats so it can also be a battle. Overall having the plants is worth the work and sure helps when it's miserable and gray. It reminds you why it's good to have snow. You need all that water for the ground to grow things. Here is some tough love suggestions on small things you can do to help on Forbes of all places. But honestly, climate change is actually bad for most business so I guess it being on Forbes isn't that surprising. Ideas how to help.

The Nature Conservancy has more suggestions here. 

I know big businesses account for the most pollution and cars and it often feels like we can't do anything about it. However, that is not true. Use your dollar to spend money at socially responsible businesses for example. It's easier to find information about them than ever before. In fact, most of them love to tell you themselves how great they are doing for the world. 

So whatever it is you need to buy or need to use or hire: spend a few minutes doing some research. It doesn't take long to compare sites here and there and note if the information seems consistent. And it probably is obvious, but if you can buy something second hand, all the better. Especially clothing since that industry is rife with so many problems. I know buying fair-wage, responsible clothing is expensive, but buying second hand is not and it only takes a little time. In fact with on line used stores now it is easier than ever. And you can always go to ebay which I've done forever. Try ThredUp for clothes. There's other out there as well. I've just used Thred Up for shopping and cleaning out my closet because they make it insanely easy. And they carry plenty of new stuff cause we are all guilty of having something with tags on it in our closet forever. 

Like they say, we've only got this one planet.


Another way I decided to take a chance creatively was by opening a shop on Society6. I am not a professional photographer in anyway. However, I do really enjoy taking photos. Most especially of flowers and the outdoors. I know it's a cliche, but these things can get you through some long dark days in Minnesota. 

This is especially challenging as I am fumbling around learning to edit products. I have been pretty happy with how they've been coming out as I've had some samples of things shipped to me and I am especially pleased with the pillows and throw blanket and I am looking forward to getting more. They are well-made and high-quality and since I am someone who wants enough blankets and pillows to build the world's biggest indoor fort this is pretty important to me. 

It helped me put more of my focus on positive things and creating this last year than continuing to obsess over things I cannot change. There is a reason why they call it blind rage. It really helps if you can harness it at some point to action and then also for self-care and direction. I currently have 93 designs up. I am aiming to have 200 designs up by December 1 of this year. It's a lot to be sure, but working a little bit each week seems to be keeping me on a good pace. 

You can visit my shop Naturephilia here. 

Have a look at some of the things I've had sent to me:

Thank you for stopping by! 

Paris 2017: Versailles

Since this about the one billionth post on the internet about Versailles I'm not going to get too much into it except for a few thoughts.

If you decide not to do a tour private or otherwise, the best advice I have for you is to get up and get there when it opens. You can even eat breakfast there and have espresso on the grounds where Marie Antionette wandered in her gowns. You will get to see most of the place before anyone else arrives. We saw everything we could that was open and spent most of a very full day there walking the grounds, the palace, and all the surrounding buildings. The town of Versailles itself is quite lovely and also worth a bit of a visit. 

It does get to be a lot, I think, especially for Americans as we are not so used to such ornamentation and perhaps our brains reject a lot of it after a while. There are a lot of travel blogs that will condescendingly tell you it's not worth visiting. If you are someone who gets to travel a lot I am sure a palace would bore you. For us normal people it is fascinating to walk around something so lofty in its presence in Western European History and of course, very important to the American Revolution as well, since the French support of the colonies helped bankrupt the country, not really a certain queen's shoe habit. 

I thought the grounds were especially beautiful and I enjoyed the gardens and seeing the animals. 

You will come across people, eventually, and you will hear over and over how everyone wants to live there or be a princess. But for me, I feel differently. The more I visit palaces, castles, and mansions, the more I have begun to realize the untruth of all the beauty. The dark secrets and disturbing histories of the people who dwelt in these works of art, as if majesty could cover the ugliness of their deeds. Of course, in this case it didn't last, as the French Revolution unfolded in the most dramatic of ways on these grounds as well. I also once again found myself questioning the wisdom of a species having all these grand empty buildings that we dedicate so many resources to while millions of people are homeless and starving. And don't think I'm only thinking about this in terms of France. I think about it terms of all places. I wonder how the future will judge us for such things. 

But perhaps that is the draw of it: the darkness. To wonder if something of beauty can come out of such misdeeds and horror. If we could hide from the problems of the world like the monarchy did, like the very wealthy do now, unaffected by the sickness, war, and misery. It is an entitlement I do not comprehend, to be sure. Even when the world overwhelms me with its unrelenting hurt. 

The truth is, art can relieve a little pain, and a touch of escapism is needed to survive a day. At this point there is not quite anywhere like France for such things. And Versailles is filled with art, pastries, and flowers, even as the ghosts of the damned wander around you.

A Look Back: Paris 2017

For all the crap things that happened in 2017, the really bright spot in my life was traveling. Starting first and foremost this time around with Paris - somewhere I have wanted to visit my whole life. When a dream is fulfilled, it's a strange feeling to not have a longing in your heart that has been such a part of you for most of your life.

I've already written some about Paris, such as the amazing vegan food. And about a few of the fascinating places I visited such as Marie Curie's lab and office . As well as my visit to painter Gustave Moreau's home and workspace.

I wanted to write a little bit about where we stayed. We picked a beautiful little apartment off of Air BnB in the Latin Quarter of Paris, which was not far from a lesser known, very unique collection of museums you should visit to get off the beaten path, such as the Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy. There are more places we visited in this collection of institutions and I will write about them later this week. 

The building we stayed in ended up being a landmark itself, on Rue Mouffetard, and it was from the 17th century, the oldest street in Paris. Some parts of the building it was evident how old it was, such as in the staircase, but in our rented place it was magical fairy tale space perfect for drinking champagne and eating baguette when your feet were too sore from the thousands of steps you've taken to drink in every bit of Paris you can each day. The neighborhood was filled with small, beautiful shops and a bakery right around the corner crowded with people as soon as the work day let out. There is something magnificent about the smell of fresh bread late in the day. Since I associate it with waking up it seemed as if the best part of the day was just getting started. Plus, you'd often have a crusty left over for the morning to have with jam. 

It was just far enough away from all the main tourists' area to get a real sense of how people live in the city, but close enough that it was not difficult to get around. As soon as we arrived and dropped our things off we walked down to Norte Dame and had coffee and snacks as we drank in the atmosphere of the famous Shakespeare and Company. It took abut 30 minutes or so, but it was grand to stop and look all around the neighborhoods. 

If you want a charming, petite place to stay in an old, lively, neighborhood I highly recommend this area. You're also never far from champagne shops, bars, and easy to shop grocery stores with gorgeous strawberries.