
Another way I decided to take a chance creatively was by opening a shop on Society6. I am not a professional photographer in anyway. However, I do really enjoy taking photos. Most especially of flowers and the outdoors. I know it's a cliche, but these things can get you through some long dark days in Minnesota. 

This is especially challenging as I am fumbling around learning to edit products. I have been pretty happy with how they've been coming out as I've had some samples of things shipped to me and I am especially pleased with the pillows and throw blanket and I am looking forward to getting more. They are well-made and high-quality and since I am someone who wants enough blankets and pillows to build the world's biggest indoor fort this is pretty important to me. 

It helped me put more of my focus on positive things and creating this last year than continuing to obsess over things I cannot change. There is a reason why they call it blind rage. It really helps if you can harness it at some point to action and then also for self-care and direction. I currently have 93 designs up. I am aiming to have 200 designs up by December 1 of this year. It's a lot to be sure, but working a little bit each week seems to be keeping me on a good pace. 

You can visit my shop Naturephilia here. 

Have a look at some of the things I've had sent to me:

Thank you for stopping by!