I was going to put up a post today about Vegan Valentine's Day food and where to get it and maybe I will do it today but likely tomorrow-I changed my mind because I came across some stuff about Climate Change in Minnesota that is worth taking a look at...you can find the information here: Minnesota.
I love this state and it's been so obvious to me and many other people the changes that have been happening here due to global warming. It's pretty disheartening because a lot of what makes Minnesota unique is disappearing. I mean, we just had our first significant snowstorm in years. I know people make jokes about how they are fine with it, but in reality it is very bad for the overall health of the state. I am only one person and I have no money or influence, but I do try to do things to better the health of the space around me. I hope others will as well. I am planning on doubling the amount of things I grow this year. I am getting better at it and I like so much having green things around. It is a learning process for sure and of course I have cats so it can also be a battle. Overall having the plants is worth the work and sure helps when it's miserable and gray. It reminds you why it's good to have snow. You need all that water for the ground to grow things. Here is some tough love suggestions on small things you can do to help on Forbes of all places. But honestly, climate change is actually bad for most business so I guess it being on Forbes isn't that surprising. Ideas how to help.
The Nature Conservancy has more suggestions here.
I know big businesses account for the most pollution and cars and it often feels like we can't do anything about it. However, that is not true. Use your dollar to spend money at socially responsible businesses for example. It's easier to find information about them than ever before. In fact, most of them love to tell you themselves how great they are doing for the world.
So whatever it is you need to buy or need to use or hire: spend a few minutes doing some research. It doesn't take long to compare sites here and there and note if the information seems consistent. And it probably is obvious, but if you can buy something second hand, all the better. Especially clothing since that industry is rife with so many problems. I know buying fair-wage, responsible clothing is expensive, but buying second hand is not and it only takes a little time. In fact with on line used stores now it is easier than ever. And you can always go to ebay which I've done forever. Try ThredUp for clothes. There's other out there as well. I've just used Thred Up for shopping and cleaning out my closet because they make it insanely easy. And they carry plenty of new stuff cause we are all guilty of having something with tags on it in our closet forever.
Like they say, we've only got this one planet.