Boycotting the State of the Union

It's no secret that POTUS is a size queen. Numbers and ratings are all that matter. This is one of the first times that I can remember that I will not watch the State of the Union and whereas I know it is tempting to do so since it will no doubt be a spectacle-NOPE.
With that in mind, allow me to proffer to you a list of things that my partner & I came up with that you can do instead of watching the continued demise of the nation. Complete with a playlist for all your frustration and rage.
And besides, all the best parts will be memes about 5 seconds afterwards. 

Things to do instead of watching the State of the Union:
-Make Tacos
-Grab yourself by the pussy
-Get someone to spank you with a magazine
-Gold plate a toilet
-Dress like a lady
-Dress like a Gentleman
-Dress like a clown
-Quit Twitter
-Click on non-Trump stories on CNN, NYT, AND WAPO. You don’t even have to read them(but you should). 
-Register to vote. 
-MN DFL caucuses start next week(Feb. 6th), do you know where yours is being held?----->DFL.

-Donate to a female candidate.
-Call your reps and leave them a message explaining why you are not watching the SOTU.
-Make new protest signs cuz we’re gonna need them.
-Do some witchcraft.
-Donate to Black Lives Matter.
-Take the time to learn about Trans Rights and what the community faces. 
-Take this Buzzfeed quiz to show how you are also a very stable genius: Very Stable Geniuses Genus

State of the Union Playlist:

20,000 Hardcore Members - Messiah
Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who
Paranoiattack - The Faint
BattleFlag - Lo-Fidelity All Stars 
Make Things Right - Sultan and Shepard
More and Faster - KMFDM
Don’t Believe the Hype - Public Enemy 
Straight Outta Vagina - Pussy Riot 
How to be a Millionaire - ABC 
Doomsday - Nero
Professional Griefers - DeadMau5 and Gerard Way 
Nazi Punks Fuck Off - Dead Kennedys 
I Fought the Law - covered by Green Day
You Talk Too Much - RunDMC
To All New Arrivals - Faithless
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Pussy - Lords of Acid
Don’t Argue - Cabaret Voltaire 
From Russia with Love - David Arnold featuring Natacha Atlas

*Bonus-Laibach has the whole facist mood down to an art form, so if you're feeling it, include their theme from Iron Sky which, if I understand correctly, is a movie about moon Nazis.


2017 is a year I've started referring to as the Empire Strikes Back. Because it feels to me that there is a decreasing in size group of people who seem to think the only way to be is the way that they are and that way to be is narrow-minded, classist, racist, sexist, and bigoted. And what's worse is they do it all in God's name. 

I have always been one for politics. I have been writing letters and contacting my representatives since I was a young child as my mother never really kept her opinion to herself. It was a strange thing to experience in hindsight as I look back at our home life. But that is a story for another time. My mother was in touch with our representatives so frequently they invited her to parties and fundraisers even though we had no money. Simply because they knew that she cared. I wish I had all my letters from way back when. I don't but I do have some from a couple of decades ago still. She was even on the news for things that she would stand up for a couple of times. I mean seriously, she was involved. Unfortunately, as her mental health declined so did her activism. But she never forgot to remind me to vote. I have voted since I turned 18 in as many elections as I could be available to vote in. I was less aware of them (such as smaller, local races) 20 years ago as I am now, but at one of my more recent caucuses I was the youngest person in our group who had been to the most caucuses and primaries. Things matter to me. 

This passed year was no exception. Like many people I was horrified and shocked by the outcome of the presidential election and with each passing day having someone in power who doesn't seem to care about anyone but themselves is unsettling to say the least. Even this morning there are threats of nuclear war. This is the 21st century and this is what we wake up to these days. What's even more disconcerting is that their are others who think this is a good idea. People who support this person. To think that you could support the annihilation of another country or group of people is downright evil to me. I don't like using the word evil because I find it dramatic, cartoonish, and used to dismiss things that are more complicated than one emotion, but in this case I'd say it fits. If you think people deserve to die simply because they are different from you-you really need to spend sometime reflecting on what kind of human you are and if you do it in the name of God-well, I can't even begin to imagine the cognitive dissonance. 

Because of this passed presidential election, my activist gene has kicked back into high gear. I went to protests, wrote letters, made calls, gathered people to participate, donated, and have done my best to support businesses that are inclusive(which often seems impossible, but I do try). I spend time researching anything I see people talking about and I quit Twitter because wow do I think that is HUGE part of the problem. 

The one year anniversary of the astonishingly well attended Women's March Protest is approaching and I am seeing more and more about the Mid-term elections which are so crucial this time I can't even imagine what might happen if things don't change. For a while I saw no hope. I was quite frankly traumatized by the outcome of the election. The idea that so many people supported someone who thinks it's funny to harass and assault women, who is racist and makes fun of differently abled people, who sees anyone with a different skin color and looks at them as an enemy, who thinks our planet is a trash can-I was not in a good place. 

However, I see more and more reasons to be hopeful and if anything came out of this garbage election it is that people are becoming more and more aware that the world is bigger and more diverse than they ever could've imagined. That on the whole, your average person wants the same things they do: to be healthy, employed, and not contributing negatively to the world-no matter what they look like and that has helped. Just like going to these events helped. Seeing so many people ready to fight for what they believe-it pulls you out of the dark place. Plus, there is something immensely empowering about genuinely exercising your rights. In America, people constantly holler about gun rights forgetting we have a whole bunch of other ones that are in my opinion a whole helluva lot more important. Without the others, there's no point in having a gun. Because what the hell are you defending then? The right to own a weapon? That is not what America is about and it's not even what the second amendment is about-and using your rights reminds you of that-using your voice and your vote reminds you of that, you're not fighting for your right to own gun, you are fighting for your rights to exist, thrive, and to belong to something much bigger than any one person. 

And even though we seemed determined as a country to do every dumb ass thing every other country has already done and suffered the poor results of which easily could've been avoided, I do believe there is truth that America is the only country that was founded on a good idea.

Katniss Everdeen

Miserable, misanthropic, reluctant, trying to do the right thing even though you don’t always want to or even know what it might be-
Of all the Young Adult books I’ve read (which numbers into the hundreds the last 10 years) and of all the movies made in the genre, no one embodies these qualities more in my mind than Katniss Everdeen. 
In the world of the Hunger Games, where the differences of status and authoritarianism is the rule, the most vulnerable of people paying the highest of price-one can’t help but notice the correlation to reality in our world where the wealthiest of us take more and more and the gap between economic classes continues to grow. The overwhelming anger this can cause is enough to make anyone want to hide away and not deal with it because who ever knows what to do to change anything? We seemingly often end up back in the same place. And Katniss Everdeen gets to live through all of this cycle. Her anger drives her and her detachment keeps her alive and her emotional reactions inspire a world. 
Unsurprisingly, due to it’s “unsatisfactory religious content”, sexual implications, and seemingly violent political messages, this book has become one of the most challenged pieces of writing out there. In 2013 it hit the #5 spot on the list of books people tried to ban. As such, I think one of my most joyous moments as a reader was helping buy an entire classroom full of kids a copy of the first book. 
These books are important. Our society tries very hard to stomp the rebellious spirit out of us as we grow older, and never more so than when we are teenagers. In a lot of ways the Hunger Games trilogy is not a new set of stories but simply a retelling of a world that has a very difficult time learning its lessons. 
Reality television dominates the world that Katniss inhabits-sound familiar? 
Suzanne Collins used as reference many of her father’s own hunting and foraging books as well as his knowledge he acquired growing up in the Great Depression. He also served in the Vietnam war and this had a big impact on her family growing up. 
Not all that long ago I was talking with someone who felt uncomfortable saying they didn’t like the movie “since it was so popular.” I countered with explaining that it’s not the type of movie you like. Kids are killing kids to survive, it’s not a story to entertain you, it’s a story to make you think. 
So as you have your celebrations today, with all the things that people enjoy on this day: hot dogs & hamburgers (created in Germany), apple pie and soda (created in England), cold beer (so old-think Mesopotamia, read: Ancient Iraq) and of course fireworks (invented where else but China?) consider what it means that we have an administration with implications of an election having been influenced by a foreign government and a president demanding to see the most sacred of documents in a democracy-the voter rolls- and recall what author Suzanne Collins hoped to accomplish with the Hunger Games which was, "questions about how elements of the book might be relevant in their own lives," like not taking your next meal for granted and being politically aware. 
It’s not really a secret where the ideas for these stories come from. With that I give you Lorde’s excellent cover of Everybody Wants to Rule the World from the movie Catching Fire in the Hunger Games series. 
(If you need something a little lighter to do with the Hunger Games I recommend looking up the Onion’s review of Catching Fire)

Climate Change

I would really like to have something deep and profound to say about climate change and helping the planet survive humans. 

I don't have much to say that hasn't been said already and really I am not important enough in any way for anyone to care what I think about much of anything these days.

No problem.

What I do know is that I love nature and getting to see flowers and rain and trees and animals. I've seen humpback whales and dolphins and blue morpho butterflies. I've been in the Grand Canyon and on a volcano.

I love the lake by my house and the deer that roam through it. 

All these things mean so much to me and I can't understand how it is that others do not care. And even intentionally destroy these things and living creatures. I am weary of a lot of humanity these days. The funny thing is I have no long term investment in this planet. I have no children and as such no grandchildren. Yet I care very deeply about it's future.

I am not going to pretend I am some paragon of green living but there are things I do try and do consistently to help. I wonder often if everyone would pick three things to change and commit to how it would help our planet and in the long term themselves. Keep our air clean and our water drinkable, things we all need. It seems in many ways America especially is moving backwards. Maybe that's not the case and most of us stand on the same side to go forward. Numbers suggest that most of the country believe and want action taken on climate change. Somehow (I say somehow though I know it's not much of a mystery) we've managed to put in power people who do not care about anything as long as they line their pockets and apparently many houses with gold bars. This is the legacy they want? Who is going to be around to care? The "greatest" figures in our history often protected nature and parks. And yet...I could write 'and yet' about a million times.....

Here is a nice, clipped article on a few small things you can do to help: Fight Climate Change

I also have a short fairy tale for sale that is a fundraiser for the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund: here on Amazon and here on iBooks

I doubt I am helping but who am I not to try somehow. 

Meals on Wheels, Women's History Month

Today for Women's History I would like to share a little background about Meals on Wheels and though I know all of you have political fatigue at this point, it's more important than ever you keep showing up. Don't stop with the letters and calls and protests. Read the news, IT IS WORKING. We have City Caucuses happening the first week of April, do you know that?

And if for no other reason to care about Meals on Wheels: if you're one of those people posting about punching Nazis here you go-

The first idea of Meals on Wheels came during the Blitz in 1943. The Women's Volunteer Service started taking food to people who couldn't leave the city but whose homes were destroyed by bombings. They then started to bring meals to servicemen, and after the war, they recognized the need to start caring for the homebound elderly and injured service people.

In 1954 Doris Taylor MBE created the first official Meals on Wheels program in Port Adelaide, Australia serving its first 8 elderly clients. The first program in the US started in Pennsylvania.

It is now the largest and oldest National organization with more than 2 million volunteers. You can visit the site here: Learn more and donate if you can. If you have a few minutes to drop a phone call or note to a representative, please do that as well.


The Unicorn Visit

This weekend during my Open House the election was on everyone's mind. (No surprise)Most especially since many of the people who stopped by stand to lose a great deal with the new administration myself included. The conversation turned to womens health and this bit I wrote was brought up. It was requested I repost it. So here it is. I recently read 72,000 donations had been made to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence's name. You know what Planned Parenthood help me do? Get antibiotics for my pneumonia when I was a broke twenty something. Now I have insurance through the ACA and like a lot of other people I need my health insurance that's about to be taken from me. And so do my friends. 

The Unicorn Visit

The girl came into her room after being out all night and was surprised to find the unicorn standing by her bed.
“Good morning,” the unicorn said in a clipped British accent. “Did you have a good time?”
Unsure what to say, and feeling a blush creep into her cheeks, she stood awkwardly by the door and shifted around in stocking feet.
“My, my! It must’ve been a good time if you can no longer speak,” the unicorn teased her. 
“I don’t mean to be rude,” she stammered. “I’m just quite shocked to find you in my room. My father said unicorns only visit pure girls. Girls who’ve no sexuality or sexual relationships with anyone. He told me I am not a good person, as I’ve a boyfriend.”
The unicorn raised its eyebrow skeptically. Well, it would’ve raised its eyebrow skeptically if unicorns had eyebrows to raise.
“I beg your pardon, Miss, but I must say, your father is a bit of a judgmental creep. And not just a small amount of a hypocrite,” it finished, muttering to itself.
“What? I’m sorry, Mr. Unicorn, I didn’t hear that last part.” The girl stepped a bit closer.
“Nothing, dear. If you don’t mind, please do not call me ‘Mister’. I prefer to be a non-gender-specified creature so I can visit anyone I wish and not make them uncomfortable. A side note, darling, ask your father what he gets up to on Tuesday nights down at the tavern, and we’ll see how judgmental he is then.”
“Okay?” The girl cocked her head to the side and, sweet as can be, tried to puzzle out what that meant. “What is that on my bedside table?” She pointed past the unicorn.
“Ahh, yes. The reason for my visit. Now, I most assuredly do not presume to judge you for having sexual relations with anyone who is a consenting adult. However, I’ve made it my job to visit people of all shapes and sizes and preferences and make them accountable to their safety and their partners’ sexual safety. One can be fun, but one must also be wise. That’s what we really do, us unicorns… Educate. Honestly, I am quite tired of these silly, faux tales of us running around judging everyone. We enjoy a good romp as much as the next beast. That said, go ahead and open your gifts.”
The girl set her smashingly cute high heels on the floor and wove over to the table. She unwrapped cheerfully festooned boxes full of condoms, birth control, dental dams, and many other things to make life a bit easier.
“Do you think you might find those useful, milady?” the unicorn asked in a silly voice, trying to ease the girl’s discomfort. “Really, you’ve nothing to be ashamed of. And most importantly, you should be taking care of yourself. Never mind what these ridiculous people try to tell you to control you.”
“Why, yes, I think I would find them useful.” She turned and looked at the unicorn. “Truthfully, I do get a little tired of hearing the crap people say when I know they are full of b.s. They’re always telling us to look to the princess for virtuous leadership.”
“Believe me when I say, when she gets her chance the princess will speak out, as she enjoys a good time as much as anyone. Now, dear, I also left you a daring little number in the closet. I must be on my way. The princess in question has asked me to visit her ladies-in-waiting. Waiting for what, I always wonder?” The unicorn laughed and strutted out the door, but not before turning around and reminding her, “Being sexually active is a great deal of fun, but do not forget your annual exam.” With that, the unicorn disappeared into a puff of glitter. 
Since we don’t have unicorns, we need Planned Parenthood.