Now the craft shows. So yes, they are fun. I did have one that was not a success financially but luckily I do have one very good cheerleader who reminded me of the fact that I spent a big chunk of time talking to an aspiring young sci-fi writer and she seemed so happy to talk to me that he kept telling me that mattered more than selling anything. And he was right. I have stayed in touch with this person and they seem to value my input. I can barely comprehend this but it is really amazing. SO there is another good lesson: What you take from these experiences doesn’t always tally into numbers.
Talking to people all day can get very tiring. You don’t want to just say the same thing over and over to people. And figuring out what experience to give each person is not an easy task.
This is most assuredly true since you don’t ever want to be seem tired nor rude. Choose your words carefully and yes, sometimes you have to because people say strange things to you that can either confuse or annoy you. For example: People looking over your stuff and outwardly tell you that they are going to copy your ideas. Yeah that is pretty darn frustrating. I don’t have one good response to this. I try to generally smile and tell them I appreciate their admiration but the reality is if they are going to copy something you did, you can’t stop them. I try not to make more than one copy of things I make intentionally to give someone a unique piece (I do on occasion if I have matching materials or a special request). I do try to go out of my way not to copy other people. I also try not to infringe on others intellectual property without paying my fair share. This gets tricky if you’re making fandom things which I do on occasion but I do try to pay for what I use and I don’t make other IP the focus of my work. I can’t say I always succeed but I am not without intention- I try to be my own person. And developing what that means takes time. I have often given myself endless amounts of grief for not filling a certain niche. Why is it I am not completely Goth? Or completely girly pink? Or sporty? Well, I am not. And that is that. Don’t try to force yourself to be something you’re not. You won’t like it. And really, no one is all one thing. Some people, like I mentioned earlier, are just better at curating a lifestyle to sell.
Some of the worst things I try to contend with is when people put themselves down at my table. (Yes people have insulted me, but I don’t even really feel like that is worth talking about it. Just laugh and thank them for stopping by, they’ll go away). One I ran into a lot at my last show in March was “I’m too fat to wear this stuff.” “This won’t fit my fat neck.” I absolutely hate people saying this stuff. For a lot of reasons. And anyway, in my case it’s really not true. There are a few pieces I can’t change the size of but I learned early on one size DOES NOT FIT ALL and you don’t even want to be that person. You want to create things that include everyone. All shapes, all sizes, all genders. My very first sale at my very first show was to a little boy buying himself a necklace. It was beyond delightful.
Now, there is always the chance that no matter how tactful you are you will put your foot in your mouth. I ran into this a few times as a party host at conventions. Some people are just sensitive and it is not always easy to figure out who can laugh at themselves or the situation and as such you could inadvertently insult someone. If this happens again, smile and thank them. More than once if necessary.
Be kind. Point out that this is not the case. That yes you do have things that would fit them. And if it’s in your ability to do so, offer to adjust the size of something for them. This will often diffuse the situation. Not always, as some people just can’t let the thought go. But more often than not just being friendly and saying “hey you know what, this is a place for everyone, even those of us having a bad me day” works great.
These couple of things, and I suppose people insulting me, are the most challenging things conversation-wise in my opinion. You can also end up being the person people try to use as an information booth but I would recommend that you do not let them. I almost fell into this trap and I am very careful about it now. Send them to the actual information booth. There is always one. Do not spend your time selling the show. That is not your job. Your job is your work. The information booth is there to answer questions about the show. Let them do it.