Tips for Veganuary
Don’t worry about being perfect! There’s lots to learn tho it is easier than ever to eat less animal products.
Don’t let people make you feel bad about eating Beyond products or Impossible products(seriously seeing this happen is very irritating to me). It’s excellent to have them and hey, they can be pretty yummy.
It’s quite likely there are substitutes for your favorite recipes. Spend a little time looking up vegan versions if you like to cook for yourself.
Make sure to get protein which is plentiful in a vegan diet. Nuts, tofu, hummus, greens, oats, etc… iron and protein is pretty easy to come by! It’s a common misconception that it’s not.
However! B12 and vitamin D in winter especially are something to pay attention to when you completely cut out meat. There are easy to find fortified foods (like Orange juice or cereals) as well as getting supplements. You may very well not be getting enough on an omnivores diet so take time to take care of yourself.
Pay no attention to the vegan “police” (you’ll know who they are) no one is perfect and shame is a terrible motivation. Truthfully my partner was a little this way when we met. It took time but I made him realize it was more fun to go find the vegan donuts for people than to bitch about someone making mistakes.
Ask your vegan pals. People have frequently given me shit whether or not I say a word about my diet. We are more than happy to answer questions when we know someone isn’t just being obtuse. In fact, I prolly get too excited about it. 🙃
Feel good about trying! Lifestyle changes are challenging. They take time and effort but now is the time more than ever to take care of yourself and maybe even help animals and the planet a bit. We all have a part to play in this world, work on your corner of it. Changing my diet took a while but it’s quite possibly the best decision I’ve ever made (or pretty close anyway lol)
Be adventurous. So many different kinds of foods to try from all over the world. And BIPOC have always contributed in spectacular ways. Look up some of their social media accounts for example. I can’t even imagine life without Indian food or Vietnamese food.
Be careful not to get too carb heavy or only buy processed foods. This is how a lot of folks take a wrong turn. You’ll feel sluggish and hungry. Nothing wrong with some easy prep foods, but don’t let it become your main meals everyday. And no I’m not saying give up bread (never!) just pay attention to how much you’re eating. It burns off fast and that’s why you’ll also need your protein!
Happy Cow App is an excellent resource especially for traveling.