Boycotting the State of the Union

It's no secret that POTUS is a size queen. Numbers and ratings are all that matter. This is one of the first times that I can remember that I will not watch the State of the Union and whereas I know it is tempting to do so since it will no doubt be a spectacle-NOPE.
With that in mind, allow me to proffer to you a list of things that my partner & I came up with that you can do instead of watching the continued demise of the nation. Complete with a playlist for all your frustration and rage.
And besides, all the best parts will be memes about 5 seconds afterwards. 

Things to do instead of watching the State of the Union:
-Make Tacos
-Grab yourself by the pussy
-Get someone to spank you with a magazine
-Gold plate a toilet
-Dress like a lady
-Dress like a Gentleman
-Dress like a clown
-Quit Twitter
-Click on non-Trump stories on CNN, NYT, AND WAPO. You don’t even have to read them(but you should). 
-Register to vote. 
-MN DFL caucuses start next week(Feb. 6th), do you know where yours is being held?----->DFL.

-Donate to a female candidate.
-Call your reps and leave them a message explaining why you are not watching the SOTU.
-Make new protest signs cuz we’re gonna need them.
-Do some witchcraft.
-Donate to Black Lives Matter.
-Take the time to learn about Trans Rights and what the community faces. 
-Take this Buzzfeed quiz to show how you are also a very stable genius: Very Stable Geniuses Genus

State of the Union Playlist:

20,000 Hardcore Members - Messiah
Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who
Paranoiattack - The Faint
BattleFlag - Lo-Fidelity All Stars 
Make Things Right - Sultan and Shepard
More and Faster - KMFDM
Don’t Believe the Hype - Public Enemy 
Straight Outta Vagina - Pussy Riot 
How to be a Millionaire - ABC 
Doomsday - Nero
Professional Griefers - DeadMau5 and Gerard Way 
Nazi Punks Fuck Off - Dead Kennedys 
I Fought the Law - covered by Green Day
You Talk Too Much - RunDMC
To All New Arrivals - Faithless
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Pussy - Lords of Acid
Don’t Argue - Cabaret Voltaire 
From Russia with Love - David Arnold featuring Natacha Atlas

*Bonus-Laibach has the whole facist mood down to an art form, so if you're feeling it, include their theme from Iron Sky which, if I understand correctly, is a movie about moon Nazis.


2017 is a year I've started referring to as the Empire Strikes Back. Because it feels to me that there is a decreasing in size group of people who seem to think the only way to be is the way that they are and that way to be is narrow-minded, classist, racist, sexist, and bigoted. And what's worse is they do it all in God's name. 

I have always been one for politics. I have been writing letters and contacting my representatives since I was a young child as my mother never really kept her opinion to herself. It was a strange thing to experience in hindsight as I look back at our home life. But that is a story for another time. My mother was in touch with our representatives so frequently they invited her to parties and fundraisers even though we had no money. Simply because they knew that she cared. I wish I had all my letters from way back when. I don't but I do have some from a couple of decades ago still. She was even on the news for things that she would stand up for a couple of times. I mean seriously, she was involved. Unfortunately, as her mental health declined so did her activism. But she never forgot to remind me to vote. I have voted since I turned 18 in as many elections as I could be available to vote in. I was less aware of them (such as smaller, local races) 20 years ago as I am now, but at one of my more recent caucuses I was the youngest person in our group who had been to the most caucuses and primaries. Things matter to me. 

This passed year was no exception. Like many people I was horrified and shocked by the outcome of the presidential election and with each passing day having someone in power who doesn't seem to care about anyone but themselves is unsettling to say the least. Even this morning there are threats of nuclear war. This is the 21st century and this is what we wake up to these days. What's even more disconcerting is that their are others who think this is a good idea. People who support this person. To think that you could support the annihilation of another country or group of people is downright evil to me. I don't like using the word evil because I find it dramatic, cartoonish, and used to dismiss things that are more complicated than one emotion, but in this case I'd say it fits. If you think people deserve to die simply because they are different from you-you really need to spend sometime reflecting on what kind of human you are and if you do it in the name of God-well, I can't even begin to imagine the cognitive dissonance. 

Because of this passed presidential election, my activist gene has kicked back into high gear. I went to protests, wrote letters, made calls, gathered people to participate, donated, and have done my best to support businesses that are inclusive(which often seems impossible, but I do try). I spend time researching anything I see people talking about and I quit Twitter because wow do I think that is HUGE part of the problem. 

The one year anniversary of the astonishingly well attended Women's March Protest is approaching and I am seeing more and more about the Mid-term elections which are so crucial this time I can't even imagine what might happen if things don't change. For a while I saw no hope. I was quite frankly traumatized by the outcome of the election. The idea that so many people supported someone who thinks it's funny to harass and assault women, who is racist and makes fun of differently abled people, who sees anyone with a different skin color and looks at them as an enemy, who thinks our planet is a trash can-I was not in a good place. 

However, I see more and more reasons to be hopeful and if anything came out of this garbage election it is that people are becoming more and more aware that the world is bigger and more diverse than they ever could've imagined. That on the whole, your average person wants the same things they do: to be healthy, employed, and not contributing negatively to the world-no matter what they look like and that has helped. Just like going to these events helped. Seeing so many people ready to fight for what they believe-it pulls you out of the dark place. Plus, there is something immensely empowering about genuinely exercising your rights. In America, people constantly holler about gun rights forgetting we have a whole bunch of other ones that are in my opinion a whole helluva lot more important. Without the others, there's no point in having a gun. Because what the hell are you defending then? The right to own a weapon? That is not what America is about and it's not even what the second amendment is about-and using your rights reminds you of that-using your voice and your vote reminds you of that, you're not fighting for your right to own gun, you are fighting for your rights to exist, thrive, and to belong to something much bigger than any one person. 

And even though we seemed determined as a country to do every dumb ass thing every other country has already done and suffered the poor results of which easily could've been avoided, I do believe there is truth that America is the only country that was founded on a good idea.

A few reflections for the end of 2016.

Things I learned or have grown to understand more deeply this year:

Being CONCERNED is not the same thing as being UNDER THREAT

Feminism means ALL WOMEN. Not just the ones *YOU* deem ok. Whether they are a stripper (I picked that word intentionally because of it’s negative implications), a stay at home mother or a doctor, regardless of the color of their skin-ALL WOMEN. I repeat ALL WOMEN.

Calling someone names for doing something wrong is not helpful. (See also: leave people the fuck alone on planes)

Shaming any WOMAN or any PERSON for being naked is SLUT SHAMING. Whether you agree with their politics or not or their view of themselves and their body.

Read opinions you do not agree with and do not *respond* to them. READ THEM, THINK ABOUT THEM and FIGURE OUT HOW TO LEARN FROM THEM. Learn to listen. Responding is NOT listening (See also: people fighting on Facebook) 

You don’t want to pay for abortion clinics, I don’t want to pay for wars. WE ALL PAY FOR SHIT WE DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR and that is never going to change.

You are not always right. No doubt about that one. That goes for each and every one of us. 

 And yes, there is always something YOU can do to help. ALWAYS. 

 Just because you cannot fight every battle does not mean you should not fight any.


2017 looks to be a tumultuous year. Let's hope we remember to look at for each other.

*words from Pinterest

*words from Pinterest

The Unicorn Visit

This weekend during my Open House the election was on everyone's mind. (No surprise)Most especially since many of the people who stopped by stand to lose a great deal with the new administration myself included. The conversation turned to womens health and this bit I wrote was brought up. It was requested I repost it. So here it is. I recently read 72,000 donations had been made to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence's name. You know what Planned Parenthood help me do? Get antibiotics for my pneumonia when I was a broke twenty something. Now I have insurance through the ACA and like a lot of other people I need my health insurance that's about to be taken from me. And so do my friends. 

The Unicorn Visit

The girl came into her room after being out all night and was surprised to find the unicorn standing by her bed.
“Good morning,” the unicorn said in a clipped British accent. “Did you have a good time?”
Unsure what to say, and feeling a blush creep into her cheeks, she stood awkwardly by the door and shifted around in stocking feet.
“My, my! It must’ve been a good time if you can no longer speak,” the unicorn teased her. 
“I don’t mean to be rude,” she stammered. “I’m just quite shocked to find you in my room. My father said unicorns only visit pure girls. Girls who’ve no sexuality or sexual relationships with anyone. He told me I am not a good person, as I’ve a boyfriend.”
The unicorn raised its eyebrow skeptically. Well, it would’ve raised its eyebrow skeptically if unicorns had eyebrows to raise.
“I beg your pardon, Miss, but I must say, your father is a bit of a judgmental creep. And not just a small amount of a hypocrite,” it finished, muttering to itself.
“What? I’m sorry, Mr. Unicorn, I didn’t hear that last part.” The girl stepped a bit closer.
“Nothing, dear. If you don’t mind, please do not call me ‘Mister’. I prefer to be a non-gender-specified creature so I can visit anyone I wish and not make them uncomfortable. A side note, darling, ask your father what he gets up to on Tuesday nights down at the tavern, and we’ll see how judgmental he is then.”
“Okay?” The girl cocked her head to the side and, sweet as can be, tried to puzzle out what that meant. “What is that on my bedside table?” She pointed past the unicorn.
“Ahh, yes. The reason for my visit. Now, I most assuredly do not presume to judge you for having sexual relations with anyone who is a consenting adult. However, I’ve made it my job to visit people of all shapes and sizes and preferences and make them accountable to their safety and their partners’ sexual safety. One can be fun, but one must also be wise. That’s what we really do, us unicorns… Educate. Honestly, I am quite tired of these silly, faux tales of us running around judging everyone. We enjoy a good romp as much as the next beast. That said, go ahead and open your gifts.”
The girl set her smashingly cute high heels on the floor and wove over to the table. She unwrapped cheerfully festooned boxes full of condoms, birth control, dental dams, and many other things to make life a bit easier.
“Do you think you might find those useful, milady?” the unicorn asked in a silly voice, trying to ease the girl’s discomfort. “Really, you’ve nothing to be ashamed of. And most importantly, you should be taking care of yourself. Never mind what these ridiculous people try to tell you to control you.”
“Why, yes, I think I would find them useful.” She turned and looked at the unicorn. “Truthfully, I do get a little tired of hearing the crap people say when I know they are full of b.s. They’re always telling us to look to the princess for virtuous leadership.”
“Believe me when I say, when she gets her chance the princess will speak out, as she enjoys a good time as much as anyone. Now, dear, I also left you a daring little number in the closet. I must be on my way. The princess in question has asked me to visit her ladies-in-waiting. Waiting for what, I always wonder?” The unicorn laughed and strutted out the door, but not before turning around and reminding her, “Being sexually active is a great deal of fun, but do not forget your annual exam.” With that, the unicorn disappeared into a puff of glitter. 
Since we don’t have unicorns, we need Planned Parenthood.

Elizabeth Warren for President!

Today Elizabeth Warren's facebook page contains this link.

You should read it and go to the letter.

Most of the organizations responsible for the economic crisis have yet to be held accountable and hide under the guise of the "free market" and "capitalism"-cleverly worded ways to behave unbound and with unethical practices. Everything is in place for it to happen again. Help stop yourself from being taken advantage of: read and sign the letter. Contact your representatives. America is for EVERYONE not just those of us who seem to be willing to step on everyone else regardless of what the consequences are to the country at large.

Occupy Geekery

The importance of the disclosure of Stephen Colbert's Super PAC is something we should all make note of-it's not being funded by corporations and has raised a million dollars from people like you and me.

That means we can fight back together and don't need to hide behind countless ill-gotten gains.

Additionally, President Obama's Super PAC is also not raising countless dollars from special interests. That said, his party fund raising -which has to follow stricter rules of limits and disclosures-is out pacing everyone in the Republican nominee field *by a lot*

The elections don't have to belong to any organization or business- if we don't let it. 


Occupy Wall Street could change your life....but will it?

Before we begin, let me state a few things outright that don’t need to be argued about.
The common criticisms, really, of anyone who supports Occupy Wall Street: The media definition of “socialism” and the idea that if you support financial reform that you believe everyone rich is evil.
First and foremost, any idea that I am criticizing protesting should be stopped right now. I fully and wholeheartedly support protesting. I believe in everyone’s right to say what they believe regardless of how I personally feel about it. I also do not believe that protesting is pointless. However, I will say that I think it is only one step of many.
Second, allow me to state emphatically that I do not believe that “rich” people are evil.
It’s possible and actually probable that some of them might suffer from a lack of compassion and arrogance in that they perceive themselves to be above the rules the rest of us are to follow but, evil, no. And I also do not think we should have to live barren, spartan lives. Life can be hard enough without even one or two creature comforts.
In fact, I believe everyone should have some luxury in their lives. I like my pretty frocks and fancy vodkas as much as the next girl. That said, I do not feel entitled to any of these things. Nor do I feel like I should hurt other people to have them. As the phrase “pursuit of happiness” is not decorated with an asterisk that footnotes: It does not matter what you do to get it.
Third, that making rules for a level playing field in the financial world does not make one an evil, Liberal socialist (I might add that believing in a form of socialized health insurance {note I said “insurance” not “health care”-there is a difference, everyone} does not make you a socialist either, but that is a discussion for another time) who believes anyone who makes more money than they do should be hung by the neck. I do not think anyone who learns that someone became a successful business person by actually using hard work is going to have contempt for said business person. Now, to learn someone is a millionaire because they knowingly sold faulty mortgage loans to people who do not understand the financial jargon thrown at the everyday consumer; well, contempt is probably going to be followed closely by anger.
And finally, at least for the moment, please note I do not believe you need to fight every perceived wrong in this world and I am also by no means trying to absolve those on Wall Street, the government, the world economy or global market for any of the wrong doing they’ve participated in.
BUT, and this is a BIG one, if Occupy Wall Street as well as the voters send the loud and clear message this next election that financial reform is an issue that must be addressed, what happens next?
Whether you realize it or not, that is entirely up to you.
The question is: Do you believe you did your part by participating in the physical protest and/or voting in the national election for the candidates who support reform, and then go back to your life as it was before? Are you at the very least sympathetic to the OWS cause?
If you answer, “Yes,” to this, or have not considered this, you’re not changing anything.
Not one little thing.
The hard truth of all this is that we are responsible for own behaviors and the decisions you make every single day of your life support the ill gotten gains of the 1%.
The current condition of the market was jettisoned into the disaster it is by the sub-prime loan crisis. I.e.: Selling money we didn’t have, and couldn’t afford to borrow, to people who are not knowledgeable in this subject, and sadly, probably trusted the banker who offered to help them buy a home for their family. This was not building the American dream. It was people ripping off those who want the American dream.
But that is only currently. The economy, with the help of some of the wealthy, has had us teetering on the brink of disaster for some time because of dishonest business practices propped up by our government. And the only reason it happens is because we let it.
Now maybe you’re thinking, “How could I possibly be a part of this?” You get up and go to work everyday. You’re not wealthy. You went to school, got a degree would like to have a home, a family and you’re not hurting anyone else, are you?
Let’s start with how you get to work everyday. I’ve no doubt some of you bike, walk, and ride the bus. But a whole lot of us do not. We drive our cars. We drive them to work, to the store, to the bank, etc… Somewhere to the tune of 129 million of us drive our cars.
You have kids, no time, errands to run, you are busy.
I’m pretty sure it’s no secret at this point in our history that the oil industry is CORRUPT.
It is also clear that the oil industry will do whatever it takes to keep you driving your car. From convincing you that you are less of person if you don’t drive the right car to invading countries under false pretenses to ascertain the nation’s resources. Maybe that’s too heavy to think about. Then think about this: Goldman Sachs alone bought and sold 860 million barrels of oil in 2008. Why would a financial firm buy oil? They did this so they could, in fact, artificially drive up the price of oil on the market. Which, simply put, makes oil very, very expensive for you.
Let’s be clear here, I am not saying give up your car. At all. If you can and do, good for you. That’s not realistic for many of us but what is realistic is that, as with any tool, we can decide how we use our cars and, in turn, our oil. As a bonus we can send a clear message to those who think to squander the world’s resources and manipulate you to make money. Use your car less. Use your car differently. If each of us drove our car to work one less time a week we would take an estimated $18 billion dollars a year away from these companies. I would have to guess that would make someone take notice.
Support women and men running for office who will work to stop oil speculation. Some believe that putting an end to oil speculation stands to cut oil prices by half. Some think more. But we’ll stick with half and well, that half is a lot of money for us not them.
Times are tough and money is tight. Of that there is no question. Many of us are sitting under crushing debt. Some of that debt is set up so that we never get out from under it, and the average American household is holding approximately $8,100 to $9500 in revolving debt. The average interest is 14% without counting the various fees you can occur for late payments and various usages. I recently read a financial report which estimated that Americans hold 600 million credit cards. I couldn’t believe it. That’s 2 for every person–man, woman and child. That is a staggering number.
The best part about telling you all this is how hard it is for me to pin down actual numbers to give you. I’ve looked and looked for information. I have read a few conflicting reports here and there including that people pay off their balances every month. Well, if that were true I’d have to wonder where the idea that people have credit card debt came from. But something I learned a long time ago was to always consider my source of information. It’s almost more important than the actual information itself. Because in reality someone can tell you anything. The question would be: Why?
Credit card companies don’t want a bad reputation and neither do their investors. So why would they want you to hear that they set up the revolving credit system to keep you under their “care” for your entire life?
So, say, who owns VISA? Well, over 20,000 financial institutions. Financial institutions whose sole purpose is to produce money for their investors. Not you. The very people who have made you feel like you can’t live without your credit cards are the same people who created the mess we are in. With all your student loans, car payments, rent and/or mortgage, I imagine you feel like you can’t survive without that piece of plastic. So be it.
Here’s what you need to ask yourself: What are you really paying for with your credit card(s)? What can you currently live without? If it’s not food, water or your doctor bills(yep, isn’t that nice?), get rid of it. It is not worth helping someone sit on a yacht while you struggle. AND that is precisely what you are doing. If you can’t live without a credit card or say even want credit cards, get them from credit unions. Look for cards with a conscience. True. Sounds impossible, but most credit union cards now even carry options to use benefits to donate to charity. Help those who need it by your choice and help yourself!
So those two things I just wrote about are pretty important. Very important, actually. But there is something that stands out in my mind as more important than anything else you can do. It doesn’t require giving up your car or your credit cards, but it does require your involvement. If I understand correctly that’s what this is all about, right? Us not them. Tired of someone else running the show. Making ourselves HEARD and reminding ourselves what democracy is supposed to be.
You need to learn about your candidates and vote. And so there’s no misunderstanding me: NOT JUST IN THE NATIONAL ELECTION. People complain and complain that they feel their votes mean nothing on the national stage. But what would happen if you started at the bottom and worked your way up?
What would you say if I told you that a recent City Council election in St. Paul was decided by 36 votes? (Never mind that voter turnout was abysmal at 15%.) Those of us here in Minnesota especially should understand how important each and every vote can count. (Franken/Coleman anyone?)
We patted ourselves on the back here in Minnesota after the last presidential election. No doubt, we did a good job by having the highest voter turn out in the country, but look what it took to get us out there. It’s also worth noting Obama took the election with some of the strongest grassroots organizing to ever happen in our country. Grassroots means you and me. That means starting with those on the first level and moving through to the top. A pyramid can’t stand without a base and the base is the largest part of the pyramid. If your mayor doesn’t represent what you believe, how can he tell your governor? How can your governor communicate with your senators? Stop your reactionary voting and stop voting only in national elections. Get involved and informed.
All the information you need is out there. Most of the time you can get it without even trying. Spend a few minutes getting to know all your candidates. I think you’ll be very surprised by what you learn about them and yourself.
It’s going to be very cold in parts of the country very soon. People are going to want to see their families for their holidays. People are going to get sick and arrested. Many people already feel as though they don’t have the time to physically attend a protest or maybe even feel it doesn’t change anything, even if they do agree with the message. That’s why it’s so very important that we take this message home with us. Because if we don’t change the way we behave and spend our money, they won’t either.
This is only the first stage of the class war. And it IS a war. It was declared on us when we were trying to have lives. Well, now we know what it is and how it’s happening. We have to fight it or be in it forever. We must remember it’s not fought with violence or weapons. It’s fought with our decisions.
What you must remember is that this job is shared by all of us and just because you can’t fight every battle does not mean you should not fight any. Because like it or not, change begins with us and there are A LOT MORE OF US than there are of them. A LOT MORE.

The Washington Post
Star Tribune
Fair Vote Minnesota
My brain
MSNBC online
U.S. Dept. of Transportation
U.S. Census Bureau
And thanks to the Mysterious M for helping me gather the numbers and double checking the math.