Georgina-Djuka Tesla, Women's History Month

Georgina-Djuka Tesla (born Djuka Mandic, 1822 - April 4,1892) was born in Tomingaj, Croatia. You may have heard of her son. What you might not know however is: When her mother went blind at 16, Duka as she was known, raised and cared for her 7 younger siblings. She was illiterate but could memorize and recite Serbian epic poetry. She invented many labor saving devices and tools to run their family's farm and was a gifted craftsperson most especially in embroidery. A bag Tesla carried his whole life that she made him is on display in Belgrade. She had five children and Tesla credited his mother for his own inventiveness and believed her to possess a special intuitiveness that helped him and many others throughout their lives. He was quoted as saying, “My mother was an inventor of the first order ……she invented and constructed all kinds of tools and devices and wove the finest designs from thread.” He believed that she would have done even more with her life if women had been given the same access to education and resources as men. Read more about her life here:…/georgina-djuka-tesla-1822-18…

From March 9th: Rebecca Lee Crumpler, Women's History Month

On the anniversary of her death let us remember Rebecca Lee Crumpler the first African-American Female Physician. Born in 1831, Rebecca Lee went to medical school at a time when women of color were often denied access to even the most basic level of education. She may have been drawn to the medical profession from watching her aunt -who raised her- provide care for neighbors and others in need. By the 1850s, Crumpler had followed her aunt’s lead, becoming a nurse in Massachusetts. She went on to enroll at the New England Female Medical College in Boston.

After earning her medical degree (which there was apparent reluctance to give her her earned degree) in 1864, Crumpler started out practicing in Boston. She moved south to Richmond, Virginia, after the end of the Civil War to provide much needed care for freed slaves. She later returned to Boston where she wrote A Book of Medical Discourses, a two-volume work on health care based on her experiences as a doctor. Read more here:…/crumpler-rebecca-davis-lee-1831-… Including that there is now a society in her honor that helps young African-American women pursue careers in the medical field.


Wikipedia External Link List

Info on Pinterest

Fay Presto! Women's History Month (getting caught up)

Fay Presto is a British trans woman who is known as a magician and a member of The Inner Magic Circle(there are only 300 members of the society which is the highest level of magic in the world).

This is the stage name of Letitia Winter born Oliver Winter May 17, 1948.

Skilled in the difficult art of close-up magic, Presto won the title of The Magic Circle Close-up Magician of the Year 2012. (BTW the Magic Circle only used to allow men in-1991). Fay Presto has performed at her ongoing show in London's West End for over 15 years having started working in local restaurants. She is an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ youth as well as a supporter of Dreamflight (similar to Make a Wish Foundation). She has performed for many celebrities and oh NBD the Queen of England 5 times. *I want to write a biography of this person!!!! Visit her website here: Fay Presto

Emmy Noether, Women's History Month

Amalie Emmy Noether 23 March 1882 – 14 April 1935 was a German mathematician known for her landmark contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics.

Those who have studied her theorem believe it to be the backbone of modern physics. 

She struggled with getting recognition because she was female and Jewish. She was given an "unofficial associate professorship" only to lose it because she was Jewish at the rise of Nazi power and as such, she fled to the US to work. She published papers under male names in order to get them out. 

She was described by Pavel Alexandrov, Albert Einstein, Jean Dieudonné, Hermann Weyl, and Norbert Wiener as the most important woman in the history of mathematics.

As one of the leading mathematicians of her time, she developed the theories of rings, fields, and algebras. In physics, Noether's theorem explains the connection between symmetry and conservation laws. I find myself wondering for approximately the one millionth time if we had spent less time on prejudice, how much further along would the human race be at this point in history? Read more here: Emmy Noether


NY Times

Wikipedia External Link List

Smithsonian Magazine

Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Women's History Month

María Amparo Ruiz de Burton (1832–1895) was the first female Mexican American writer to publish two novels in English in the United States, and while they both feature romances between Mexicans and Americans (she married a white solider which caused a great deal of strife for her), the narratives denounce U.S. colonialism and Anglo-American racism. She was also the first published Mexican American writer after the war with Mexico (1846-1848), English was her third language after Spanish and French. For a time her work was lost but is since being studied and is believed to be one of the precursors to the Chicano Literature movement. (She also put together the Don Quixote de la Mancha: A Comedy in Five Acts: Taken From Cervantes’ Novel of That Name 1876) 
You can purchase one of her books here: Who Would Have Thought It?

Sources: 19th Century Literature

Germ Magazine

Wikipedia External Links List 

Red Rock Canyon

The new year is in full swing and I am trying to keep my head above water in many ways right now as I have a lot going on. I want to finally get on a regular posting schedule here for one thing. But it hasn't worked out. I just never know what is going to happen in a day lately. 

Since it is a new year and that means new travel plans that I've finally really begun making (actual tickets and stuff), I tend to start going through my previous years travel photos. Which means I am going to be telling you stuff I did. More of it I suppose I should say as I have shared some already. I am a big and small travel person. I pretty much love all trips and no matter how tiny a place is I research every thing I can find about it. I find what makes it unique and go for it. Every place has something if you're willing to look. 

One of those things was visiting Red Rock Canyon. I go to Las Vegas a fair amount.(Look here for some food ideas. There's more too. Just search my food tag or Adventure tag!) I am always looking for new things to do there not just be on the strip. As a non-gambling Las Vegas patron the not casino related parts of being there are what I am interested in: food, shows, shopping, the weird, random attractions that make up the hotels. 

This time I adventured away from the strip by visiting the Hoover Dam (coming soon) and Red Rock Canyon. You can do both in one day if you like or you can make Red Rock Canyon and the surrounding area a full outdoor adventure. You'll find more information on the visitor site. 

If you can't go the whole day there is an approx. hour long drive around the main part of the canyon just to see to it. I did this combined with stopping for shorter adventures and photos. When I was there (July) it was beyond hot (115 degrees) and as a fair skinned person I tend to melt. I met out my time in the extreme heat so as not to pass out or get sick. Weather is weather and if you're gonna base your life around going to places only where the weather is perfect, well you're not going to be visiting many places or leaving the house much. 

The desert is beautiful in it's own way. Given the choice I go for the forest. But there is the allure of going somewhere that seems to be fairly lifeless on the surface but is filled with critters great and small if you look close enough. One thing Nevada is especially good for as you move away from the cities is raptors. You can see some of the amazing flying birds our world has to offer. California condors, vultures, hawks. And of course, the mountains are beautiful and formidable. Here is some snap shots from my trip. See you soon!

MN Wine Bucket List

In my continuing quest to visit all the wineries in Minnesota I didn't do so well in 2016. I only visited two this passed year and I'm thinking that must be remedied this year. Here's a little bit about the two I did visit. I really enjoyed the blueberry wine in particular at North Ridge Winery. It tasted just like pie filling and I loved it. The couple bottles of it I brought home did not last very long.

North Ridge is a pretty new winery and when I was there had only been open for about 10 months. It'll be a bit over year at this point. One of the owners we spoke with was very personable and open to answering all questions. He also did not mind letting us try whatever we liked. North Ridge additionally had a cider on tap. The next best wine I thought was the Raspberry Explosion which went great with dark chocolate. Raspberry is always a pretty good bet for going with dark chocolate. Sometimes the Raspberry wines are a bit too syrupy for my taste but this one managed to find the balance that keeps it from seeming more like cough syrup. I know it's not acceptable but I love fruit wines with the exception of Blue Loon at Sovereign Estate Winery which is more of a floral aroma and I really enjoyed it a great deal. The light, airy almost romantic scent in floral flavorings is hands down my favorite in liquors, wines and aperitifs. 

Some snaps of North Ridge Winery:

The second winery I explored last year was Crow River Winery. Now this is a big place and established as an entertainment venue and wedding venue as well. There is food served in the tasting room and the staff was beyond attentive, taking care of our table as well as giving us an informed and not over wrought tour of the facility. I have to mention that I really enjoyed that everything has crows printed on it because I love the carrions. The one wine for me that stood out here was the cranberry wine. I brought that one home. Cranberries are widely available in the Midwest with them being grown in this part of the country. It was not too shabby of a way to spend a rainy day. Also, as a side note, this is the first place that I saw a fully automated bottling machine. That was interesting to me as most of the other places are at least partially hand bottled. 

Here are some pictures from the day:

Ella Cerulean's Instagram Account

Come follow Ella Cerulean's Instagram account and see how she views the world.

GeekCraft Expo

I've been working on pieces for my next show in Madison, Wisconsin at the end of March GeekCraft Expo. I had such a great time last year so I'm pretty excited to be going back. Plus, I'll have my third book for sale! 

Take a look at what I've been working on so far....

Oneiric Morning of Orchidology Observations Both Odd and Opulent.

I do so love orchids and they do not love me. My home is not conducive to the life of an orchid and I have certainly tried to make that the case but have failed in my attempts. I like to visit orchids however. Sometimes I get to see them natively but more often than not I see them in exhibits such as the one at Como Conservatory this passed weekend. Here is a place where there are people who are good with orchids giving out lots of helpful information. Me, I'm just gonna share some pictures of the beauties.

A Few Favorites Memories from 2016

Looking back on 2016 I picked a few things from the year I really enjoyed. I haven't written about all these things yet nor does this cover everything I thought was good about the year but here are a few cool things:

I started the year off in Costa Rica for a couple of weeks. I wrote about it a lot since it was such an amazing place. Here's one post: Costa Rica and a picture of me zip lining over the jungle.


Not too long after that I went to Houston for a wedding and was thrilled to go somewhere I had always wanted to visit as a kid: Johnson Space Center


Then there was my favorite art show from the year at Rogue Buddha Gallery: Rachel Girard's Dolls.


I had my first craft show in March in Madison, Wisconsin. It was wonderful. Geek Craft Expo.


I published my first e-book which spent a day at #1 on Amazon. You can buy it here.


I attended a few events hosted by the MN Historical Society and really got a kick out of them. You can read about some of them here.


I attended my first World Con. Which included a visit to some beautiful places in KC, MO. I will be writing more about them soon but here's a snap from the art museum.


I visited Las Vegas again. Seems to be a main stay in my travel. Wrote about the incredible food. Also took a day trip to the Hoover Dam and Red Rock Canyon as I've wanted to go there for sometime as I am working on crossing off all these iconic American places on my travel list.


That's just a few good things.

There are more things actually. It was all-in-all not a bad year for me personally even if it seemed so very overwhelming for so many other people. 

I'm not sure what 2017 will bring but I am trying very hard to look for the good in the seeming rising dark.

Ella's World

Follow here: Ella Cerulean

A few reflections for the end of 2016.

Things I learned or have grown to understand more deeply this year:

Being CONCERNED is not the same thing as being UNDER THREAT

Feminism means ALL WOMEN. Not just the ones *YOU* deem ok. Whether they are a stripper (I picked that word intentionally because of it’s negative implications), a stay at home mother or a doctor, regardless of the color of their skin-ALL WOMEN. I repeat ALL WOMEN.

Calling someone names for doing something wrong is not helpful. (See also: leave people the fuck alone on planes)

Shaming any WOMAN or any PERSON for being naked is SLUT SHAMING. Whether you agree with their politics or not or their view of themselves and their body.

Read opinions you do not agree with and do not *respond* to them. READ THEM, THINK ABOUT THEM and FIGURE OUT HOW TO LEARN FROM THEM. Learn to listen. Responding is NOT listening (See also: people fighting on Facebook) 

You don’t want to pay for abortion clinics, I don’t want to pay for wars. WE ALL PAY FOR SHIT WE DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR and that is never going to change.

You are not always right. No doubt about that one. That goes for each and every one of us. 

 And yes, there is always something YOU can do to help. ALWAYS. 

 Just because you cannot fight every battle does not mean you should not fight any.


2017 looks to be a tumultuous year. Let's hope we remember to look at for each other.

*words from Pinterest

*words from Pinterest

Favorite Local Places for Shopping: Minneapolis

The holidays are fast upon us and as such many of us are scrambling to find meaningful, useful gifts that in some way give back to our communities.

Let's be honest: donations are wonderful and I love to do them but I also love giving gifts. Our artisan, small business economy is important. It supports makers, jobs and families. 

I put together a list of places I like to buy gifts and treats for all holidays not just Christmas. But, of course, these are great Christmas places too. 

First up: Ethique Nouveau. A shop full of handmade gifts and treats that also is not-for-profit as it's sales support animal charities. I love going here and have bought tons of things from here. In addition, they host bake sale fundraisers for members of the community in need of help.

Next on the list is near my house and I have a hard time going in here and not buying things for myself. I love their air plant collection and they also carry gifts for Jewish holidays. 

Indulge and Bloom never disappoints.

On the high-end of artisan gift giving and filled with tangible dreams is Larue's. Jewels, clothes, small gifts, art, hats...

Even when I can't afford to get something I do love to walk around and look at everything. So many works of art in one space.

If those kinds of gems don't peak your interest, head over to ZRS Fossils for truly unique gifts. Rocks, minerals, crystals, jewelry. It's like shopping in a museum.


On the eco-conscious end of gift giving locally is Moss Envy. I can't find my pictures for here but click the link to see what they have to offer. 

They have lots of home goods and I've frequently used this spot for eco-friendly party needs. 

Now onto edible and drinkable gifts:

Glam Doll Donuts would have to be on the list. Vegan donuts, cute items all related to pin-ups and donuts.

My list would not  be complete without The Herbivorous Butcher. They do have many vegan cheeses and meats for great gift giving but they also carry artisan chips, nuts, chocolates, dog treats, etc..

Bonus: Millner Heritage Winery. Not in Minneapolis though you can find their products in stores here. They make wonderful wines for dinner and parties. If you can make it out to the winery the tour is amazing. And when it's cold there's warm, mulled wine.

If all else fails you can never go wrong with memberships to museums. Two of my favorites are the Science Museum of Minnesota and the Minneapolis Institute of Art. (Also a good way to avoid crowds!)  

Much luck and Happy Holidays!

Craft Show Set-Up Siren, Wisconsin

My booth set-up at one of my shows this last month. This was in Siren, Wisconsin.

The Unicorn Visit

This weekend during my Open House the election was on everyone's mind. (No surprise)Most especially since many of the people who stopped by stand to lose a great deal with the new administration myself included. The conversation turned to womens health and this bit I wrote was brought up. It was requested I repost it. So here it is. I recently read 72,000 donations had been made to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence's name. You know what Planned Parenthood help me do? Get antibiotics for my pneumonia when I was a broke twenty something. Now I have insurance through the ACA and like a lot of other people I need my health insurance that's about to be taken from me. And so do my friends. 

The Unicorn Visit

The girl came into her room after being out all night and was surprised to find the unicorn standing by her bed.
“Good morning,” the unicorn said in a clipped British accent. “Did you have a good time?”
Unsure what to say, and feeling a blush creep into her cheeks, she stood awkwardly by the door and shifted around in stocking feet.
“My, my! It must’ve been a good time if you can no longer speak,” the unicorn teased her. 
“I don’t mean to be rude,” she stammered. “I’m just quite shocked to find you in my room. My father said unicorns only visit pure girls. Girls who’ve no sexuality or sexual relationships with anyone. He told me I am not a good person, as I’ve a boyfriend.”
The unicorn raised its eyebrow skeptically. Well, it would’ve raised its eyebrow skeptically if unicorns had eyebrows to raise.
“I beg your pardon, Miss, but I must say, your father is a bit of a judgmental creep. And not just a small amount of a hypocrite,” it finished, muttering to itself.
“What? I’m sorry, Mr. Unicorn, I didn’t hear that last part.” The girl stepped a bit closer.
“Nothing, dear. If you don’t mind, please do not call me ‘Mister’. I prefer to be a non-gender-specified creature so I can visit anyone I wish and not make them uncomfortable. A side note, darling, ask your father what he gets up to on Tuesday nights down at the tavern, and we’ll see how judgmental he is then.”
“Okay?” The girl cocked her head to the side and, sweet as can be, tried to puzzle out what that meant. “What is that on my bedside table?” She pointed past the unicorn.
“Ahh, yes. The reason for my visit. Now, I most assuredly do not presume to judge you for having sexual relations with anyone who is a consenting adult. However, I’ve made it my job to visit people of all shapes and sizes and preferences and make them accountable to their safety and their partners’ sexual safety. One can be fun, but one must also be wise. That’s what we really do, us unicorns… Educate. Honestly, I am quite tired of these silly, faux tales of us running around judging everyone. We enjoy a good romp as much as the next beast. That said, go ahead and open your gifts.”
The girl set her smashingly cute high heels on the floor and wove over to the table. She unwrapped cheerfully festooned boxes full of condoms, birth control, dental dams, and many other things to make life a bit easier.
“Do you think you might find those useful, milady?” the unicorn asked in a silly voice, trying to ease the girl’s discomfort. “Really, you’ve nothing to be ashamed of. And most importantly, you should be taking care of yourself. Never mind what these ridiculous people try to tell you to control you.”
“Why, yes, I think I would find them useful.” She turned and looked at the unicorn. “Truthfully, I do get a little tired of hearing the crap people say when I know they are full of b.s. They’re always telling us to look to the princess for virtuous leadership.”
“Believe me when I say, when she gets her chance the princess will speak out, as she enjoys a good time as much as anyone. Now, dear, I also left you a daring little number in the closet. I must be on my way. The princess in question has asked me to visit her ladies-in-waiting. Waiting for what, I always wonder?” The unicorn laughed and strutted out the door, but not before turning around and reminding her, “Being sexually active is a great deal of fun, but do not forget your annual exam.” With that, the unicorn disappeared into a puff of glitter. 
Since we don’t have unicorns, we need Planned Parenthood.

New Things in My Shop

I've been adding new things to my shop as I prepare for my next craft show. You can see them here: GirlyGeekChic.

Prep for the holidays seems to be in full swing though without snow here in Minnesota it doesn't feel like it yet for me. 

I hope we get some flakes soon.  Behold!

Thank you for looking!

Odd (Geeky) Minnesota: Caponi Art Park

I am always looking for the less known spots in my adopted state. Not that I don't love plenty of popular spots but the dusty corners and lesser known nooks tend to be where the unusual and unexpected stories live. Caponi Art Park is no exception. I had learned about this park from a friend who has family that lives nearby. I've lived here 15 years + and had never heard of it till this year. I looked into the history a bit to learn that the founder had passed away not all that long ago at the age of 94.  He immigrated to the United States at the age of 15 from Italy. Anthony Caponi served as a translator in World War II and graduated from the University of Minnesota. He was employed by MacCalester College in St.Paul for nearly 42 years, having a big impact on the art department there. 

He bought the land that eventually became the park not too long after starting to work there and did all the labor on the park himself. 

He accomplished a great many more things which you can read about here.

This is a perfect example of finding great accomplishment in the everyday person. 

The park hosts many events throughout the warm months and I recommend heading out for a picnic. Be sure to bring a camera, there's lots you'll want to remember. 


Some of my pictures from my visit:

Happy Exploring!

Minnesota in the Summer

Minnesota is green, lush and gorgeous in the summer time. Just a walk around the nearest lake and you can see some beauty in the smallest places. Here are some pictures form this weekend taken by the nerds in the household. Back soon with a long post!

Adventures in Science Fiction Reality...CONvergence 2016

It's that time of year again. When CONvergence has come and gone, all that remains is memories. But, like 16 years worth in my case. In the past I have hosted parties at CONvergence. They are huge, expensive, amazing undertakings. I took the year off this time around and tried to just enjoy being an attendee. The last couple of years of parties had coincided with the release of my Sci-Fi Novels. I didn't release a full length novel this year but I did put out a little short ebook about some of my previous CON adventures which you can find here: Adventures in Science Fiction Reality


It's the story of a girl who without meaning to be so, is sort of an idiot. By accident. 

Please have a read, laugh at my misery.

There are so many things to see and do at CON, I can never keep up. I visited all the parties, attended some panels, art show, dealer's room, Vilification Tennis (always amazing), went to the dance, visited the Space Lounge. And I get nowhere near doing everything. 

Here are some of my snaps this year! 

More from past conventions herehereherehere, and here. 

Happy Geeking!