Red Rock Canyon

The new year is in full swing and I am trying to keep my head above water in many ways right now as I have a lot going on. I want to finally get on a regular posting schedule here for one thing. But it hasn't worked out. I just never know what is going to happen in a day lately. 

Since it is a new year and that means new travel plans that I've finally really begun making (actual tickets and stuff), I tend to start going through my previous years travel photos. Which means I am going to be telling you stuff I did. More of it I suppose I should say as I have shared some already. I am a big and small travel person. I pretty much love all trips and no matter how tiny a place is I research every thing I can find about it. I find what makes it unique and go for it. Every place has something if you're willing to look. 

One of those things was visiting Red Rock Canyon. I go to Las Vegas a fair amount.(Look here for some food ideas. There's more too. Just search my food tag or Adventure tag!) I am always looking for new things to do there not just be on the strip. As a non-gambling Las Vegas patron the not casino related parts of being there are what I am interested in: food, shows, shopping, the weird, random attractions that make up the hotels. 

This time I adventured away from the strip by visiting the Hoover Dam (coming soon) and Red Rock Canyon. You can do both in one day if you like or you can make Red Rock Canyon and the surrounding area a full outdoor adventure. You'll find more information on the visitor site. 

If you can't go the whole day there is an approx. hour long drive around the main part of the canyon just to see to it. I did this combined with stopping for shorter adventures and photos. When I was there (July) it was beyond hot (115 degrees) and as a fair skinned person I tend to melt. I met out my time in the extreme heat so as not to pass out or get sick. Weather is weather and if you're gonna base your life around going to places only where the weather is perfect, well you're not going to be visiting many places or leaving the house much. 

The desert is beautiful in it's own way. Given the choice I go for the forest. But there is the allure of going somewhere that seems to be fairly lifeless on the surface but is filled with critters great and small if you look close enough. One thing Nevada is especially good for as you move away from the cities is raptors. You can see some of the amazing flying birds our world has to offer. California condors, vultures, hawks. And of course, the mountains are beautiful and formidable. Here is some snap shots from my trip. See you soon!