Weekend Road Trip: The Paine

Back in August while on my way to chase the eclipse, I took a side stop to a place I didn't know existed until a photographer I fell in love with a couple of years ago announced she was having a show there. The Paine is an English style estate in the small town of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Which is actually a pretty famous place for other reasons and I'll write about that soon. 

Kirsty Mitchell created a magnificent body of work after a personal loss titled Wonderland. It is glorious to behold and if you can make it to the final weekend of the exhibit to see it, I really can't encourage you enough. The Paine its self is also a lovely place though I do wonder to the wisdom of building a house so large that no one lives in. It is lovely to look at and they do host events there too. It's worth a visit if you are in the area. Especially if you like details. Which I do. 

See some of the house and work here:

Things Learned and Facing Facts about Yourself Creatively

My first year of craft shows wrapped up with the end of 2016. I had previously had open houses at my own home but I had not participated in an actual show outside my home until last year. I had applied to some and been turned down over and over. Minnesota is flooded with makers and artists so the competition is pretty high. As a pretty new creative person, as frustrating as it was, it also was not all that surprising. I also don’t know anyone here in the arts organization. I know other artists, many of whom I have supported for years, but they tend to their own business and I try not to ask for their help.  I know how much work it is just to find time to do any little bit of creative work in day to day life. I’m not even sure what I would ask. And as a jewelry maker not many people really feel the need to buy my jewelry over and over. I have a few kind and loyal people around who have bought pieces here and there(and I am very grateful to them, it genuinely means the world to me) but overall no one pays much attention. That is when you think that you should quit. 



The truth is, I love making jewelry and even if no one ever wants to wear it again- I will still make it and recognizing that has helped me a great deal. 

I do on occasion ask people to repost things on social media. Very few people do and I’m not really sure how to grow the interest, but maybe I should just accept that if they are not interested they are not interested and leave well enough alone.


I really run into this with my books. Almost no one that I know will read anything that I write. I have read threads on authors sites and apparently this is not exclusive to me. It is pretty common that the majority of your friends and family will not read any of your work no matter how you ask or what’ve you done or how you are related. No one is really sure why. I would imagine there is a variety of reasons and I try not to get frustrated by it. It is not easy. Especially when you did/do support others and their creative endeavors (and in many other ways) for years, but it is also not constructive. It took some time but I don’t think about it anymore. I offer that as a bit of advice. Of course you want the people you like and respect and support to do it for you, but you should be ready to accept that they might not. They really just won’t think about you. And yes, for a while I thought this was just because of me and that people generally don’t like me, but that actually does not seem to matter. I can’t imagine the dozens and dozens of posts I’ve read about this mean that all of those people are un-liked. In fact, one time I was helping a woman in the bookstore I used to work at find a copy of Coraline by Neil Gaiman. It was some years ago now and as I handed it to her she laughed. She looked at me and said, “I’m buying this for my daughter and you know what? My cousin is married to him and I’ve never read a single thing he’s written. Isn’t that terrible?” She laughed again and went to check out and I had no idea what to say.  I had actually forgotten about this encounter until just now. So there you go. 

The good thing that has come out of it most especially is that it has challenged me to refine what I do. Working on better displays, organization and products. Not to mention looking outside the usual suspects. My first craft show wasn’t even in my own town and it was really great. It was something new and unexpected. I enjoyed it immensely. I should probably say this even if it is obvious to some that these things are an INCREDIBLE amount of work. But if you don’t love it, you shouldn’t do it. I loved that the display was mine, the work was mine, the idea of what bags to use, boxes, everything was mine. My ideas, my work, every little detail.


I have trouble talking about my work, most especially my books. That is definitely a work in progress. It gets more difficult when you are not signed by a giant publisher that people know because at that point they just assume something is wrong with you and won’t heed any attention to you. This multiplies my difficulty in talking about my writing about a thousandfold. And of course, I am not an ace at social media. I have spent time on my social media accounts but the truth is those accounts are not where I want to focus my attention. I feel like I want my energy to go into my work. I don’t know how to curate my lifestyle or nor spend all my time color coordinating. Their are some people who can do all this and their art and it is very impressive. I am not one of those people and I doubt I ever will be. This is also something that used to frustrate the hell out of me. But once I made the decision of where the majority of my energy was going to go the frustration melted away. Now I just do it because I like something or went somewhere cool I think other people would like. If it’s not fun, don’t do it. It’ll just make you miserable. Plus we should probably not forget the world was filled with amazing, creative people before the whole world could like something on Instagram. I know that social media has opened up the art world a lot for some, but it doesn’t for most and it helps not only to remember that but not to let it affect what you do. Use it for inspiration. Not comparison.


Now the craft shows. So yes, they are fun. I did have one that was not a success financially but luckily I do have one very good cheerleader who reminded me of the fact that I spent a big chunk of time talking to an aspiring young sci-fi writer and she seemed so happy to talk to me that he kept telling me that mattered more than selling anything. And he was right. I have stayed in touch with this person and they seem to value my input. I can barely comprehend this but it is really amazing.  SO there is another good lesson: What you take from these experiences doesn’t always tally into numbers. 

Talking to people all day can get very tiring. You don’t want to just say the same thing over and over to people. And figuring out what experience to give each person is not an easy task. 

 This is most assuredly true since you don’t ever want to be seem tired nor rude. Choose your words carefully and yes, sometimes you have to because people say strange things to you that can either confuse or annoy you. For example: People looking over your stuff and outwardly tell you that they are going to copy your ideas. Yeah that is pretty darn frustrating. I don’t have one good response to this. I try to generally smile and tell them I appreciate their admiration but the reality is if they are going to copy something you did, you can’t stop them. I try not to make more than one copy of things I make intentionally to give someone a unique piece (I do on occasion if I have matching materials or a special request). I do try to go out of my way not to copy other people. I also try not to infringe on others intellectual property without paying my fair share. This gets tricky if you’re making fandom things which I do on occasion but I do try to pay for what I use and I don’t make other IP the focus of my work. I can’t say I always succeed but I am not without intention- I try to be my own person. And developing what that means takes time. I have often given myself endless amounts of grief for not filling a certain niche. Why is it I am not completely Goth? Or completely girly pink? Or sporty? Well, I am not. And that is that. Don’t try to force yourself to be something you’re not. You won’t like it. And really, no one is all one thing. Some people, like I mentioned earlier, are just better at curating a lifestyle to sell. 

Some of the worst things I try to contend with is when people put themselves down at my table. (Yes people have insulted me, but I don’t even really feel like that is worth talking about it. Just laugh and thank them for stopping by, they’ll go away). One I ran into a lot at my last show in March was  “I’m too fat to wear this stuff.” “This won’t fit my fat neck.” I absolutely hate people saying this stuff. For a lot of reasons. And anyway, in my case it’s really not true. There are a few pieces I can’t change the size of but I learned early on one size DOES NOT FIT ALL and you don’t even want to be that person. You want to create things that include everyone. All shapes, all sizes, all genders. My very first sale at my very first show was to a little boy buying himself a necklace. It was beyond delightful. 

Now, there is always the chance that no matter how tactful you are you will put your foot in your mouth. I ran into this a few times as a party host at conventions. Some people are just sensitive and it is not always easy to figure out who can laugh at themselves or the situation and as such you could inadvertently insult someone. If this happens again, smile and thank them. More than once if necessary. 
Be kind. Point out that this is not the case. That yes you do have things that would fit them. And if it’s in your ability to do so, offer to adjust the size of something for them. This will often diffuse the situation. Not always, as some people just can’t let the thought go. But more often than not just being friendly and saying “hey you know what, this is a place for everyone, even those of us having a bad me day” works great. 

These couple of things, and I suppose people insulting me, are the most challenging things conversation-wise in my opinion. You can also end up being the person people try to use as an information booth but I would recommend that you do not let them. I almost fell into this trap and I am very careful about it now. Send them to the actual information booth. There is always one. Do not spend your time selling the show. That is not your job. Your job is your work. The information booth is there to answer questions about the show. Let them do it.


When the show gets off to a shaky start and it seems like everyone else is busy and you’re not, you’re going to fall into misery. I am as guilty of this as anyone. Just don’t. Next to impossible to do, I know, but don’t. You literally have no flipping idea how your show is going to turn out and yes, sometimes the result financially is going to suck. But the reality is you’re likely going to get something out of every one that you do. Oh, and if it’s a two day show, seriously, most of my business in my last show was in the last few hours of the weekend and it was non-stop busy and made up for all the rest of the weekend. Completely the opposite of the year before. You will spend hours trying to figure out why. Don’t bother. You can’t, and even if you can pinpoint a few things like weather and stuff like that-it’s not like you can do anything about any of that. You will save yourself hours of misery not worrying about what you can’t control. The reality is you win some, you lose some, but you can control how you approach it next time. 

One thing I learned last year, for example, was that my packaging sucked. I was using boxes with cotton to display my pieces. This was not great as people always want to pick things up and people always drop the cotton and it makes a mess. So first thing I did this year was research and invest in new display pieces and cards. They are so much better this year and I am glad for it but I am still working on some of the pieces. Beware of what is happening. What are customers having a hard time with? What would streamline the process?


On the subject of time devoted to your work: Once you seem like you have your ducks in a row people are going to try to use you as a short cut. Now it is up to you whether or not you let them. I take it case by case. And anyway, information is different for every person. But you can let them know right up front that you have spent a lot of time trying to work something out and that you think that it’s best that they take their version of the challenge and research it themselves. I am hesitant to give advice about editors, business, display etc… because I am not expert and even if I was I still would have no idea how that is going to turn out for you. And truthfully, until I see your work or read it, I doubt I am going to attach my name to it unless I think it’s good. And I don’t feel bad about that anymore. I used to try to recommend everything but I don’t anymore. It’s not truthful. I want to like something and trust someone is doing a good job. 

I *WILL* take the time to look into someone’s work most definitely. I try to give everyone a chance. I do try to support as many people as possible even if I don’t have a wide reach. But as far as the short cuts part-there are none. Seriously. People will tell you this all the time who are at the top of their game and they are not lying. Yes, sometimes they had it easier because they had all the money in the world to try something but think about it….unless what they did was amazing-is it still around? Nope. 

And yes some people have connections. Good for them. You don’t. Get used to it and find another way in. No I don’t know where it is.

You need to get used to fucking up. And rejection in all its forms, be it from strangers or from your dearest friend whose work you have read thousands upon thousands of words of and they won’t look twice at what you write. And if you can’t, you won’t get far. And you can take that from someone who has come very close to giving up more than a few times.


American Gods and the rebirth of Laura Moon

I’ve been excited to watch American Gods. I was a little behind everyone else but now I’m caught up and I'm still pretty excitable about things. It's so crazy to think this book is 16 years old and to see it turned into such a huge production is really cool. Especially since Neil Gaiman is actually getting as much attention if not more attention than the actors. When does that happen? Having been a fan for more years than I can recall (hah j/k I just don't want to talk about how many years), it's always so heartening to see decent, hardworking people getting rewarded in a world that seems to reward jerks more often than not. The House on the Rock event in 2010 was definitely one of the coolest weekends ever. It's really the perfect place to spend Halloween. Plus I was with my friend Emily plus MPR picked my question to ask Neil Plus Neil told me he thought I was pretty and always dressed nice when he saw me(took this as marriage proposal was totally off on that one). Plus then I died(metaphorically as one does) and haunted the event with Emily.  

Came back to life as pretty goth girl gave me handmade black cat brooch when I was creeping out on the Infinity Balcony. Yeah. Happy Memories for a particularly disturbing story.

I think my favorite thing about the episodes that have aired so far is what feels like a more substantial development of Laura Moon. Looking back she was a bit one-dimensional in the story and of course, sometimes you want to change what you create after time has gone by. I would be interested to know if this was a deliberate choice by Neil Gaiman or someone else’s. I am a long time fan of Bryan Fuller’s as well. The only work of his I have been unable to get through is Hannibal because I am especially squeamish to cannibalism. I am not even sure why it unsettles me when so little actually does *especially* considering the current state of our government is some sort terrifying dystopia. 

Bryan Fuller and Neil Gaiman are a good team for one particular reason in my mind. Bryan Fuller has a knack for telling the story of women who don’t live up to their potential in what society would consider the right way or timely manner. He creates characters who usually are too smart for their own good and not entirely sure what to do with it. Partial commentary on our society’s lack of opportunities for such people it seems to me. He uses unconventional situations to give women characters the opportunity to make a difference in the world around them and he does it without being condescending. He doesn’t force them into having children or getting married or other traditional roles as deemed ok by the world. 

Neil Gaiman adds to this as he’s never been one to write a story where a woman has to be rescued by a man. In fact, Laura Moon is most assuredly on her way to rescue Shadow. The creative team of the two of them is a good example of male allies to feminism in the arts. 

Laura’s affair having seemed like it was central to her turnaround when in fact it was a symptom of something deeper rooted in who she was when alive and who she did not want to be in death. Recognizing that she only did it because she thought she did not feel anything else or believe anything. Only to be shown she was not only wrong but had loved another person and did not realize it as she was so mired in being lost in indifference to life(not dissimilar to Georgia in Dead Like Me. George’s love being for her younger sister.) She also did not really cared for being judged for it. Something I personally fully support. I am curious to see how this will continue. I know the story centers around Shadow and the battle for America’s soul but most particular at this point in history how could that not possibly include the women?

Here are some snaps from the event at the House on the Rock. Happy Easter!

Ella Cerulean's Instagram Account

Come follow Ella Cerulean's Instagram account and see how she views the world.

GeekCraft Expo

I've been working on pieces for my next show in Madison, Wisconsin at the end of March GeekCraft Expo. I had such a great time last year so I'm pretty excited to be going back. Plus, I'll have my third book for sale! 

Take a look at what I've been working on so far....

Craft Show Set-Up Siren, Wisconsin

My booth set-up at one of my shows this last month. This was in Siren, Wisconsin.

What to Eat Wednesday: Madison, Wisconsin

I've written about eating in Madison before, right here. The food is pretty great in this pretty great town. My most recent trip there a few weeks ago was no exception. 

I've been to the Green Owl Cafe in the past but I don't recall having had a dessert that they serve. Well, I had one this time, a vegan Chocolate Lava cake with ice cream and it was scrumptious. I have not had a dessert that good and perfect and fabulously rich in some time. Dinner was tasty as well. In particular, the Vegan Caesar Salad with grilled lemony tofu. It's a cute place, casual. Most of Madison is casual and laid back.

A favorite place to eat in Madison is Monty's Blue Plate Diner. I love breakfast here and actually, had the almond milk vegan french toast for dinner one night. Other yummies: Vegan Country Breakfast, Vegan Curry and sandwiches.

Even though I love eating at Monty's I have to have coffee from EVP Coffee in the morning. A friend introduced me to this place and now I even bring it home with me from my visits.


A place new to my palate on this visit was a trip to The Roman Candle. They had these breadsticks that made my mouth super happy and the pizza was fantastic. They make a spicy sauce on a pizza called the Vegan Destroyer. Absolutely worth a stop.


Happy Eating! In Madison!

A Bit of Geeky Madison

I have been to Madison, Wisconsin many times at this point in my life. It's on the way to Chicago which tends to be a place Minnesotans go a lot for trips and shows and the like. Madison is a great little town. The Austin, Texas of the Midwest: oddball, artist friendly, liberal and full of kind people. 

Just walking around it is a nice experience it's self. There's plenty of shops to stop in and old buildings to admire. There's good coffee and great food. 

I've stayed at various places on different visits but I think the place I stayed this time was my favorite. The Mendota Lake House B & B was a quaint place owned by two men who live in town. They went through the trouble to make fresh, vegan blueberry scones in the morning and they were quite good. There was also hot tea service every night. It's on the water so the view is top notch from the house. Have a look:

More of Madison: 

Next Time I'll do vegan food suggestions! Happy Day!

Geek Craft Expo ..SUCCESS!

When I said I wanted to do my first craft show I really did not know what to expect. I tried not to hope for too much with the exception of myself getting a lot done. This got a bit sidelined with a serious elbow injury but somehow and with some great help I managed to pull it off. GeekCraft Expo turned out to be a great experience. It helps that it was in Madison, Wisconsin which is a great place all on it's own. I met nice people, I sold lots of jewelry and books(I even signed a few) and I saw old friends. I'll do a separate post on Madison later because the food is always amazing. Some snapshots from the weekend.

I hope to do more shows in the future and I am currently basking in the happy afterglow. 

Happy Geekery!

GeekCraft Expo

For the first time this weekend I am hauling a bunch of things I've made and written to sell at the GeekCraft Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. 

I have never done a show other than an Open House in my own home. This will be a whole new experience. I have a booth and business cards and the whole deal, like a grown up crafter. 

If you find yourself in Madison this weekend head over to the Masonic Center from 11am-7pm on Saturday and Sunday to check it out.



I've been making a few pieces everyday for my first show at the Geek Craft Expo. I've also been planning out my booth in my head and now have started to gather the materials to put it together. I'll be back to travel posts shortly. I have lots more to share! 

Some sneak peeks of things to come:

What to Eat Wednesday but on Thursday, The Vegetarian

A few years ago there was an Indian restaurant in Columbia Heights, MN. that I just loved. A few months after my "discovery" of it, it caught fire and burned down. I was very disappointed. Fast foward a few years and earlier this year I find myself out in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin visiting a winery only to spot a place by the same name, The Vegetarian. However it is closed. Boo. I don't get to see the VEGAN FOOD sign too often so I always want to investigate when I do.

Earlier this fall in October, I took some friends out to the same winery for a visit as it is a neat place, Chauteau St. Croix Winery and found the same little place open for dinner this time. We did not hesitate to stop in and was so happy to find that it was the same place that had caught fire! How terrible for them but now so great ! The food is as amazing as I remember. Dark, scented teas, fragrant dahl but the real stand-out dish is the Paper Masala Dosa. Not a dish you find easily in the Midwest. This one melts in your mouth. They also make the food spicy. Midwest spice can often lack and you usually have to ask for the melt-your-face-off flavour that I like. Your best bet is Indian and Thai food for hot, hot, hot. The only catch for me is this place is pretty far from home. It is however, near many wineries and as I continue to explore them I will also have to eat. Let's not pretend that wine does not make you hungry. It most certainly does and as such you can be glad to eat warm, comforting Indian food in tiny towns in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin, Minnesota's Naughty Cousin

I've been to Madison, Wisconsin a few times. Most recently before going to see the Dita Von Teese show in Chicago. It's a fun town, full of good food, friendly people and great shops. I always enjoy stopping in. The food is ridiculous. A favorite breakfast place is Monty's Blue Plate Diner. The owner always stops by and he told us a very naughty joke this particular morning.

The Cabin in the Woods

When I first moved here I was continually hearing stories about "Going to the Cabin." This was something Minnesotans did all the time. Weekends, holidays, vacations. More often than not it was a cabin owned by them and one or two other members of the family a few hours drive time from the city. They had SUVs, boats, jet skis, bikes, canoes, kayaks, grills...anything you can buy at a fancy sporting goods store, they had it. Or I should say still do. As the "Going to the Cabin" activity has not lessened in popularity. I was baffled by this tradition. This is not something that was done very often in the South. I did spend a few weeks in cabins in New Mexico but it was not a weekly activity as it so often is here in the North. And we certainly did not have $100k worth of equipment to take with us to these places. Cabins are monuments for Minnesotans. They pay homage to the outdoors, to nature, to beer. Sacred places of bonding and drinking, of getting away from it all(well, except all the expensive things you are taking with you). A few months ago, I asked my boyfriend, who grew up here and spent half his childhood in cabins, WTH? He didn't really have an answer. Then strangely enough a week after that our neighborhood newspaper published an article about "cabining it" and where it came from. Minnesota has deep Scandanavian roots, the King and Queen of Sweden have been known to visit. Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands or as I jokingly refer to them: the places where white people come from. Spending weekends at cabins is a long held tradition in those countries and as people have grown up from generations of immigrants here in the States it has become a tradition here as well. Well, now I like it too. I've done it about 4 times and loved every visit. This last time a couple of weeks ago I went sledding for the first time and well, that was just ridiculously fun. For me and my friends- it's food, laziness, drinks, games and some sportlike activity(though let's not get too crazy because well, the laziness). I'll leave you with some pictures from Danbury and Siren,  Wisconsin as well as a video that will explain it all.

Chateau St. Croix and Winery, St. Croix River

I'm not sure I'm ever going to get used to standing on frozen water. A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I went out to a winery in St. Croix Falls, WI. It is a very lovely place as it was modeled after a Chateau in the Rhine Valley in Europe. Wisconsin is a beautiful state and I have spent a lot of time there exploring. It has many unusual attractions as well as miles of undisturbed forest. This particular winery was very pretty and I loved the award winning Rośe they serve. I brought some home for Christmas Eve dinner and it was quite wonderful. I really want to go back in the spring when it's green to wander the land and to check out the little village nearby. On the way back to home, we stopped and I stood on the frozen St. Croix River which I have never done before. I've been on a frozen lake a few times but not a river. It was strange to see it unfrozen further down. If you'd like a nice place to spend an afternoon you should head out to Chateau St. Croix and Winery. They have wines, chocolates and snacks. Make time to stop in the town. It looks to be very charming. Cheers!


OK, so the bats weren't really there. I did see one but, they do live there in the winter....oh where? That would probably be a good thing to tell you. In Crystal Cave in Wisconsin. So after hiking in Northern Wisconsin earlier this summer and learning that some of the rocks and land here are the oldest in the world, I made up my mind to explore more. This place is about an hour from my home and offers a tour that goes 70 feet under the surface to show you a bit about the geological wonders that is the midwest! ;o) Plus, it was 50 degrees underground which was a very nice break from the August heat!

Wisconsin Adventure

Something I've learned about myself recently is that I enjoy being in the outdoors quite a bit more than I thought even just 4 years ago. I really like hiking. I like being able to stop and look around where I am and of course, take lots of pictures. I love rocks, trees and flowers. I love the animals and water. A few weeks ago I went into Northern Wisconsin to stay at the Four Seasons Island Resort. A very pretty place that opened in the 20's that has been remodeled. I just loved the Gatsby feel of it. It's on a little island with a one lane bridge in the midst of beautifully forested land. In the few days we were there we hiked to 9 different waterfalls in the area. We saw a black bear, birds, fish, deer(including a fawn), frogs, butterflies and a snake. It was a pretty amazing experience. I learned a lot about the area that is known as the Marinette County Forest. One of my favorite things I learned was that the rocks in the area are some of the oldest in the world because there's been nothing to erode them away. I had no idea! I'd like to also say that the drinks at the bars in the resort are GREAT and the staff was VERY friendly. We had a whirlpool tub in our room and after an eight hour hike, it was wonderful to sit in. NOW for A TON OF PICTURES!

There's no place like Madison

I've been to the captial city of Wisconsin, Madison, a couple of times now and I just adore it. It's not a very big city- only a few hundred thousand people but, it is lovely and full of the friendliest people I've ever encountered anywhere with the exception of New Orleans. There is always beautiful scenery and wonderful food. It's what we call a "college town" so, there's lots of colorful places to shop and plenty of veg-friendly food, if that's what you like.