Things I learned or have grown to understand more deeply this year:
Being CONCERNED is not the same thing as being UNDER THREAT
Feminism means ALL WOMEN. Not just the ones *YOU* deem ok. Whether they are a stripper (I picked that word intentionally because of it’s negative implications), a stay at home mother or a doctor, regardless of the color of their skin-ALL WOMEN. I repeat ALL WOMEN.
Calling someone names for doing something wrong is not helpful. (See also: leave people the fuck alone on planes)
Shaming any WOMAN or any PERSON for being naked is SLUT SHAMING. Whether you agree with their politics or not or their view of themselves and their body.
Read opinions you do not agree with and do not *respond* to them. READ THEM, THINK ABOUT THEM and FIGURE OUT HOW TO LEARN FROM THEM. Learn to listen. Responding is NOT listening (See also: people fighting on Facebook)
You don’t want to pay for abortion clinics, I don’t want to pay for wars. WE ALL PAY FOR SHIT WE DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR and that is never going to change.
You are not always right. No doubt about that one. That goes for each and every one of us.
And yes, there is always something YOU can do to help. ALWAYS.
Just because you cannot fight every battle does not mean you should not fight any.
2017 looks to be a tumultuous year. Let's hope we remember to look at for each other.
*words from Pinterest