American Gods and the rebirth of Laura Moon

I’ve been excited to watch American Gods. I was a little behind everyone else but now I’m caught up and I'm still pretty excitable about things. It's so crazy to think this book is 16 years old and to see it turned into such a huge production is really cool. Especially since Neil Gaiman is actually getting as much attention if not more attention than the actors. When does that happen? Having been a fan for more years than I can recall (hah j/k I just don't want to talk about how many years), it's always so heartening to see decent, hardworking people getting rewarded in a world that seems to reward jerks more often than not. The House on the Rock event in 2010 was definitely one of the coolest weekends ever. It's really the perfect place to spend Halloween. Plus I was with my friend Emily plus MPR picked my question to ask Neil Plus Neil told me he thought I was pretty and always dressed nice when he saw me(took this as marriage proposal was totally off on that one). Plus then I died(metaphorically as one does) and haunted the event with Emily.  

Came back to life as pretty goth girl gave me handmade black cat brooch when I was creeping out on the Infinity Balcony. Yeah. Happy Memories for a particularly disturbing story.

I think my favorite thing about the episodes that have aired so far is what feels like a more substantial development of Laura Moon. Looking back she was a bit one-dimensional in the story and of course, sometimes you want to change what you create after time has gone by. I would be interested to know if this was a deliberate choice by Neil Gaiman or someone else’s. I am a long time fan of Bryan Fuller’s as well. The only work of his I have been unable to get through is Hannibal because I am especially squeamish to cannibalism. I am not even sure why it unsettles me when so little actually does *especially* considering the current state of our government is some sort terrifying dystopia. 

Bryan Fuller and Neil Gaiman are a good team for one particular reason in my mind. Bryan Fuller has a knack for telling the story of women who don’t live up to their potential in what society would consider the right way or timely manner. He creates characters who usually are too smart for their own good and not entirely sure what to do with it. Partial commentary on our society’s lack of opportunities for such people it seems to me. He uses unconventional situations to give women characters the opportunity to make a difference in the world around them and he does it without being condescending. He doesn’t force them into having children or getting married or other traditional roles as deemed ok by the world. 

Neil Gaiman adds to this as he’s never been one to write a story where a woman has to be rescued by a man. In fact, Laura Moon is most assuredly on her way to rescue Shadow. The creative team of the two of them is a good example of male allies to feminism in the arts. 

Laura’s affair having seemed like it was central to her turnaround when in fact it was a symptom of something deeper rooted in who she was when alive and who she did not want to be in death. Recognizing that she only did it because she thought she did not feel anything else or believe anything. Only to be shown she was not only wrong but had loved another person and did not realize it as she was so mired in being lost in indifference to life(not dissimilar to Georgia in Dead Like Me. George’s love being for her younger sister.) She also did not really cared for being judged for it. Something I personally fully support. I am curious to see how this will continue. I know the story centers around Shadow and the battle for America’s soul but most particular at this point in history how could that not possibly include the women?

Here are some snaps from the event at the House on the Rock. Happy Easter!