Weekend Road Trip: The Paine

Back in August while on my way to chase the eclipse, I took a side stop to a place I didn't know existed until a photographer I fell in love with a couple of years ago announced she was having a show there. The Paine is an English style estate in the small town of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Which is actually a pretty famous place for other reasons and I'll write about that soon. 

Kirsty Mitchell created a magnificent body of work after a personal loss titled Wonderland. It is glorious to behold and if you can make it to the final weekend of the exhibit to see it, I really can't encourage you enough. The Paine its self is also a lovely place though I do wonder to the wisdom of building a house so large that no one lives in. It is lovely to look at and they do host events there too. It's worth a visit if you are in the area. Especially if you like details. Which I do. 

See some of the house and work here: