As mentioned in a previous post, I've been working on finding projects and creating things as a way to focus my anger, stress, and absolute bafflement of why people are allowing the world to be controlled by horrendous people.
One of the smaller steps I took was to put together a jewelry project for myself for my Etsy shop and holiday craft shows. So, I created these:
Coffin nail amulets with three 1800’s nails. These particular ones come from the inside of the coffins and were obtained from a practicing priestess. Coffin nails can be used for powerful protection (or hexes, but don’t ok?) I have put three into new amulets bottles. The new jars help to allow power out without interference from the past. I chose three because it represents the mind, the unconscious and the connection between the two. I have also made some with amethyst pieces to enhance clarity of mind. They are thought to have additional properties to protect from poisons.
A perfect gift for anyone looking for some extra care in their lives from the universe especially in these trying times. You can find them here: Coffin nail amulets
In a lot of ways this is a perfect little project for me. When I was a child my mother would have me read her tarot cards and practice the Ouija board with her. She was a devoted Christian and felt these were other tools to divine God's message. I'm not really sure what I thought about it at the time other than it was a way to spend time one on one with my mom. I received my first set of tarot cards in the mail for my 12th birthday from my mother's twin sister. Who used to be a fun, open minded person and has since turned into a racist, self-centered hypocrite. It's pretty disappointing. Of course, one of the things we all learned was that there are more of these people than we wanted to admit and that is in fact where a fair amount of my frustration comes from. The short-sightedness of these dreadful people. Who again, do it all in the name of God.
Calling on that frustration I put these pieces together. Focusing my intentions.