Meals on Wheels, Women's History Month

Today for Women's History I would like to share a little background about Meals on Wheels and though I know all of you have political fatigue at this point, it's more important than ever you keep showing up. Don't stop with the letters and calls and protests. Read the news, IT IS WORKING. We have City Caucuses happening the first week of April, do you know that?

And if for no other reason to care about Meals on Wheels: if you're one of those people posting about punching Nazis here you go-

The first idea of Meals on Wheels came during the Blitz in 1943. The Women's Volunteer Service started taking food to people who couldn't leave the city but whose homes were destroyed by bombings. They then started to bring meals to servicemen, and after the war, they recognized the need to start caring for the homebound elderly and injured service people.

In 1954 Doris Taylor MBE created the first official Meals on Wheels program in Port Adelaide, Australia serving its first 8 elderly clients. The first program in the US started in Pennsylvania.

It is now the largest and oldest National organization with more than 2 million volunteers. You can visit the site here: Learn more and donate if you can. If you have a few minutes to drop a phone call or note to a representative, please do that as well.
