Climate Change

I would really like to have something deep and profound to say about climate change and helping the planet survive humans. 

I don't have much to say that hasn't been said already and really I am not important enough in any way for anyone to care what I think about much of anything these days.

No problem.

What I do know is that I love nature and getting to see flowers and rain and trees and animals. I've seen humpback whales and dolphins and blue morpho butterflies. I've been in the Grand Canyon and on a volcano.

I love the lake by my house and the deer that roam through it. 

All these things mean so much to me and I can't understand how it is that others do not care. And even intentionally destroy these things and living creatures. I am weary of a lot of humanity these days. The funny thing is I have no long term investment in this planet. I have no children and as such no grandchildren. Yet I care very deeply about it's future.

I am not going to pretend I am some paragon of green living but there are things I do try and do consistently to help. I wonder often if everyone would pick three things to change and commit to how it would help our planet and in the long term themselves. Keep our air clean and our water drinkable, things we all need. It seems in many ways America especially is moving backwards. Maybe that's not the case and most of us stand on the same side to go forward. Numbers suggest that most of the country believe and want action taken on climate change. Somehow (I say somehow though I know it's not much of a mystery) we've managed to put in power people who do not care about anything as long as they line their pockets and apparently many houses with gold bars. This is the legacy they want? Who is going to be around to care? The "greatest" figures in our history often protected nature and parks. And yet...I could write 'and yet' about a million times.....

Here is a nice, clipped article on a few small things you can do to help: Fight Climate Change

I also have a short fairy tale for sale that is a fundraiser for the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund: here on Amazon and here on iBooks

I doubt I am helping but who am I not to try somehow.