I HAVE THE POWER!!! Or a little about female action figures.

I collect female action figures. This all really started when I couldn’t find Eowyn from the Lord of the Rings movies. I was more than a little miffed that there was finally going to be a sword wielding ass kicker in one of the biggest movies ever made and I could not find her anywhere. 

Over 20 years ago now, I bought myself my first action figures. It was an X-Files set that I still own. I loved Agent Scully and her unending skepticism no matter what she witnessed. Growing up I had Barbies. Lots of them. My mother loved Barbies and my brother had G.I. Joe and plenty of other superhero type guys. My mom was all about gender oriented toys. I don’t believe this was intentional, I think she was simply a product of her generation of women. My sisters and I never even considered that we also couldn’t let our toys have superhero powers, constantly making up elaborate story lines and having absolutely no problem with being able to kick the crap out of any villain, male or female. Our giant Barbies would date tiny G.I. Joes whenever Ken wasn’t available. But as I got older and started to read more and more, I started to realize that Barbie was not going to cut it anymore. I didn’t relate to her corvette, dream house and endless desire to be a cheerleader. I had Jem for a while, but as someone who has never felt the need to be a rock-star, I lost interest in her pretty quickly. 

That’s when I met She-Ra. My mother started buying me She-Ra story books in grade school and when I made the honor roll, the action figures. I loved them and let me tell you, I wish I still had them. She-Ra had a sword, rode a flying unicorn, and could match her brother He-Man blow to blow with the bad guys. Around the same time my aunt started to send me Star Wars stuff and I dressed as Princess Leia for Halloween more than once. A friend’s mother would put my hair up for every holiday in her trademark braided buns. She was the ultimate Princess to me. She was the boss, resourceful, and got to wear a spectacular space dress when she felt like it. I will say I never really got her attraction to Han Solo as a kid. Then you grow up and realize that we can idiotically be attracted to “Bad Boys.” Whatever. Leia put Han in his place when he needed it, and I thought she was all the more awesome for it.


Fast forward a decade, Agent Scully comes into my life and then I start to realize there’s really something important here. A toy that represents something that wasn’t known to me as child. That I could be a smart, capable career woman of some kind. That’s why these toys matter. Because if you don’t know you could be a doctor or a hero of some sort you won’t ever consider it. For the longest time, and even now, it’s hard to find toys for females that cover the endless possibilities of growing up. No one ever doubts a male can be a hero but a female? Maybe not. Maybe she should only be in well-defined traditional roles? Well, if that’s what she wants then so be it. But all the options should be offered to everyone. And that includes in toys.

I don’t have a huge collection of female action figures. Maybe 30 or 35. But they all mean something to me. I noticed recently that I knew where they all came from, what stories they were from, or in some cases (like my Cleopatra figure) what time in history. What I didn’t know was anything about the history of the action figure toy itself. So I did a little research. And where it’s easy to find out what the first attempt at a female action figure was, it’s pretty hard to find much about it after that. I’m still looking into it. I have a lot of questions, including things like what was the first African-American Female Action Figure? 

Here’s a little information for you to start: 

-1959 Barbie is released by Mattel

-1964 Hasbro creates the phrase “Action Figure” and releases G.I. Joe

-1967 Hasbro releases what is thought to be the first action figure for females and is the first female G.I. Joe. Action Nurse. She is a complete failure. Girls don’t want to play with G.I. Joes and boys don’t want to play with dolls.


-1975 Marvel creates Storm and she is the first African-American Female in a feature role in a comic.

-1978 First Princess Leia action figure released by Kenner

-1997 G. I. Joe releases a second female action figure, a helicopter pilot. 

-A friend of mine randomly found Eowyn for me in a Target she stopped at on a road trip some 10 years ago. 


Scenes from an Open House

It took a lot of work to get an Open House together this year but I managed to pull it off. Here's some snap shots:

There's still time to have gifts shipped! Stop by my shop to have a look! Thank you!

Snap Shots

Bits and Pieces of my shop's holiday!

Carousel Jewelry Holder: A How-To Post

I meant to put this up a couple of months ago but did not for some reason. I put up my Ferris Wheel Jewelry Holder How-To. Well this goes along with that post and it is also an easy alteration. I made this to go on my dresser to display part of my somewhat big handmade jewelry collection.

You'll start with buying the cupcake holder on Amazon. Once you get it-put it together per the instructions.

Other things you need:




-empty cereal box

-something to measure your circles( I used a roll of tape)



Step 1: Put the cupcake holder together


As you can see from the picture, after I put it together I was measuring the holder trays to figure out what I could use to measure what material I was deciding to use. I started with cupcake liners. Too flimsy. I tried paper and plain material. Fell through the bottom. Then I thought of felt. I realized I needed something to make it more sturdy but not too thick. And that's where the cereal box comes in:


Step 2: Draw circles with whatever size you decide to make your pieces.


Step 3: Draw the circles on the felt too.


Step 4: Cut them out. Cardboard and felt. This is pretty hard for me. I am terrible at cutting circles. But I trimmed them down and got pretty close.


Step 5: Glue them together.


Step 6: Love yourself. (I wrote myself notes on the bottom when they were dry)


Step 7: Put your circles into the trays.


Step 8: Fill with Pretties


A few months later and I still love my little set-up!

My First How To Post: Ferris Wheel Jewelry holder

So this is my first post about doing a little craft. It’s not very complicated and I thought it would make a cute project. This all came about as I’ve been remodeling my bedroom over the last 3 months. I wanted a new way to store and display jewelry. I have a lot of jewelry. I have been collecting handmade pieces for a very long time now. Additionally I make a lot of things for myself and I am lucky enough to have friends to make things for me as well. I searched and searched for display pieces but nothing was really striking my fancy. There’s plenty of pretty things out there they just were not what I was looking for. I came across some circus themed boxes on ETSY and loved the idea of a carnival. I adore the book The Night Circus and well, pretty much anything to do with magic, magicians and carnivals. Which got me started looking for carnival themed display pieces for my jewelry and there are pretty well none. What I did keep coming across was carnival themed party items and more importantly cupcake holders. They are tremendously cute for cupcakes but I don’t have cupcakes on display every day in my house although that would be quite spectacular. I started to consider if I could somehow make these work for my display pieces. I decided to order a couple from AMAZON. A carousel and ferris wheel, respectively. When they arrived I altered them a bit and I am in love with the results. Here is the alterations I did for the Ferris Wheel cupcake holder to turn it into a jewelry holder. I will post the carousel next week.

Things you will need:


-Ferris Wheel

-paper flowers -these can be found at most craft stores often in the wedding decor section 

Optional: you can paint these no doubt, I wanted mine black and white to stick with a Dark Carnival/Night Circus theme and to go with a painting a friend made for me but you can do yours whatever colors match your room/display


This is how it comes and what it's supposed to look like.


Out of the box with all it's baskets attached. Also, see all the things I make in the background mess? This is why I need organization. 


The paper roses I used to decorate the ferris wheel. The "stems" are made with very malleable wire so it is very easy to wrap these any way and anywhere you want. I got mine at Micheal's Arts & Crafts store.


I used my pliers to remove most of the baskets. I left two on for counter balance and to put bracelets in. You could remove as many or as few as you want I would think.


Add flowers where you like and earrings. Easy peasy. 


And thus I began to build my own carnival.


I am in the middle of a mess. My bedroom is being remodeled. This is very exciting sans the fact it was supposed to be done almost two months ago. Because of the way my house is laid out this has disrupted quite a lot of my space. Including my office which is normally my place of calm and organization. That is not the case right now and truth be told it's making me a little nuts. I know my room is going to be amazing when it's done but it can be difficult to live with such disorganization. Especially when you're attempting to work at home. But what are you going to do but keep working on it? Anyway, my What to Eat post will be up tomorrow as I am polishing it up, so to speak. I just started Photoshop lessons so I am looking forward to what I can do with my pictures. In the meantime, here are a few of my office from a few months ago when it was at it's nicest and most organized. Have a great and chaos free day!

Girly Geek Collections

So, I collect a fair amount of different things. Many of them geek related such as female action figures and certain comic books. I collect handmade necklaces and evening bags for the more girly side of my personality.

One of my collections I've been working on lately is my Harry Potter Legos. I don't have all of them yet. The newest sets are the ones I haven't added to my collection yet. Which is okay for now since until very recently I didn't have anywhere to have them set up Now, that I do I've been putting them all together. 

The earliest ones are great because they have colors of bricks in them exclusive to the Harry Potter line and have since been retired. Greens, orange and purples. I'm sure I'll post many pics as I go but here are a few to start.