Marie Curie Museum

I recently visited Paris, France for the first time. I had an amazing time of learning and exploring. One of my favorite things I went to was Marie Curie's decontaminated lab and office. She is the only woman awarded two Nobel Prizes in Science, first female professor at the Sorbonne, was given a gram of Radium from President Hoover (Radium is millions of times more radioactive than Uranium), she developed and refined radiography including creating a mobile unit she took into WWI to help soldiers, her lab staff was largely female which ultimately helped lead to Marguerite Perey discovering Francium in 1939. Also there's an actual  Museum dedicated to a WOMAN! How about that?? Oh and of course Curium is named for her which burns so hot it turns purple. 

Visit the website: here

Pictures include snaps of dubious radium products, her lab and office as well as scientific instruments.