I wasn't sure what to expect from a visit to Kansas City, MO. Truthfully, it wasn't a place I had thought much about at all. So when I got there and found good food, cool shops, amazing museums and great coffee I was really happy. I should at this point in my life not be surprised to find cool things in the Midwest. People don't think much of it usually as the coasts and Las Vegas get all the attention. But if you have a bit of a sense of adventure you can find some awesome stuff out here. I mean now everyone wants to go to House on the Rock so there you go.
I didn't eat out a whole lot in KC because I had an AirBnB apartment and being able to cook at "home" especially on trips that are a week or so long or more- I really appreciate. Don't get me wrong I obviously love to eat out but I also try to watch my salt intake and calorie intake and consume a certain amount of fresh food per day.
With that said I can start with a link to a natural grocery I went to in KC, Kansas and picked up some stuff. I really like going to co-ops and things in other cities because you can find local/regional things you can't get at home. I almost always end up bringing something back from the grocery store. A trip to Nature's Own provided some of those things including regional coffee beans to bring back.
I know KC is famous for it's barbecue but as a vegan this is not something I was looking for and as I looked into what to eat in KC I found a pretty big, thriving international community. There was a lot to pick from but hours being limited here and there narrowed some of my options at times. One place I did go in the international market area was Bo Ling's Chinese. I made it there just before they were going to close down until dinner but they took no issue with that and seated me. The server was a charming, little human who had no problem answering all my questions and double checking information, something I always appreciate in a new place. I had a yummy green bean stir fry which as it turns out is some of my favorite stir fry. I always thought I hated green beans having grown up on the brown, mushy ones from cans but I love a fresh green bean (or 20) and if it can be flash fried in a wok with some spice, all the better. And of course, pot stickers. I could eat about a hundred veggie pot stickers in a sitting. I don't but I could. They had an adequate fresh spring roll. I have to say adequate because nothing lives up to my favorites. These are acceptable *no issue* except the they are not from Vo's in Minneapolis. Not the spring rolls fault at all.
My favorite place I ate at in Kansas City was Eden Alley. An all vegetarian/vegan cafe with lunch, dinner and a rotating brunch menu. I ate there twice. Once for lunch and once for brunch. I also ate outside on a patio surrounded by Spanish style architecture. It was quite lovely.
For lunch I had a potato burrito, pita hummus plate and raw chocolate avocado pie.
I had one of the most fabulous french toast dishes I've ever had with grilled orange slices and chocolate chips.
I highly recommend this stop on your trip to KC.
There are a lot of little corner bars and restaurants offering up many un-vegan friendly treats but luckily for me there was some yummy french fries and cocktails to be found right on the corner of the apartment I was staying in. French fries for me at this point are mostly just a vacation treat. I don't eat them much anymore which is very different from when I was younger.
They made really confident and well-put together cocktails. I am so super picky about this now. I don't drink much and my personal life is filled with people who are exceptional drinks makers so when I go out I am often disappointed. These were good. So stop into The Phoenix KC for a salty and sweet break. Vacation is for making bad choices and you might as well do it in style. Tasty, tasty style.