For my 500th post-Vampires-obviously.

We’ve covered some heavy stuff in the last few days and Young Adult books are not all doom and gloom, so let’s talk about…HAHA Just Kidding-Yes they are! It just isn’t always nuclear war doom and gloom. Sometimes it’s dramatic, sexy, and yes everyone lives in a nice house and drives a nice car somehow even though nobody actually works doom and gloom-VAMPIRES! I generally think in the supernatural world you pick a side-zombies or vampires-and I most assuredly fall into vampires. In fact, it got to the point that I was reading so many vampire books I asked my friends and co-workers to stage an intervention if they saw me pick up one more. 
What can you do? You read Lost Souls (Poppy Z. Brite) when you’re 15 and that’s that. And no one show or movie over the last twenty years can fill the role of drama and sexy quite like the Vampire Diaries. 
The original books were first published in the early 90’s when Vampire stories were having something of a renaissance. Author LJ Smith created the series, which is set in a little place called Fell’s Church. When the rights were picked up for the show they decided to change the name of the town to Mystic Falls because the producers did not like the religious implications of the first name. (Mystic Falls is actually Covington, Georgia, where the series is filmed. That almost changed a few years ago when anti-gay rights legislation was set to be signed by the governor, but enough companies threatened to leave that the bill was dropped). Not too far into the show being filmed, author LJ Smith was fired from writing her own series after two decades because the television producers did not like the direction she was taking the story. This took a strange turn of events when the author turned to fan fiction to finish the storyline, and fans started to boycott her previous publishers and made her stories best sellers on Kindle Words. Fast forward 8 seasons and the Vampire Diaries has turned into one of the most successful vampire franchises out there, and includes another very popular spinoff: The Originals. (I somewhat prefer this one because I have a soft spot for stories set in New Orleans, because of course.)
The Vampire Diaries has all the trappings of escapist, young adult fantasy. Attractive 20-somethings playing teenagers, a mysterious small town steeped in folklore, what little evidence there is of parents of any kind is evidenced by their children discovering their long-hidden secrets of the supernatural and shenanigans from eras past, real life co-stars caught up in love triangles, being able to get up to anything at any time all while looking dashing, and last but certainly not least, a song attached to it that is instantly recognizable if you have even accidentally seen an advertisement for the show. 
Forever undecided between who to spend eternity with (which is something we all seem pretty determined to figure out at the wise old-age of 18) this song mirrors rather perfectly the story’s ability to go round and round again the sordid love affairs of the Salvatore Brothers, Elena, and later on Caroline (and occasionally throw a bone to the other people in the group of friends and cohorts) (but only dangerously flirting with outsiders never to be taken *too seriously*). Obsession is most assuredly the theme of this particular mythology. Reincarnations, prophecies, destiny, and the inescapable ill-fated love-
Sky Ferreira’s song sums it all up quite perfectly. I give you one of the *many, many* fan made videos-
(As a side note one of the things that genuinely cracks me up about the Vampire Diaries: characters are beheading one another, drinking blood, performing witchcraft rituals, drinking, smoking pot, engaging in illustrious sexual relationships-but if anyone smokes a cigarette everyone has an absolute meltdown). Enjoy! And remember-*especially* when it comes to Vampires-age is just a number.