This particular edition of Fangirl is over someone I admire a great deal and wouldn't mind being a little more like her. She's a vegan artist who rescues animals. Her name is Cynthia Von Buhler. She's a gorgeous painter, writer, illustrator, producer, etc..seriously there's not much creatively she does not do. She's kind enough to have added me to her Facebook page and has on occasion even commented to me on there. I would love for her to someday illustrate one of my story books. She travels the world and encourages people to be kind to one another. For her 50th birthday she wore a dress that was an actual cake! A CAKE! I mean honestly, how awesome. I might add her apartment and other home is gorgeous. She's very much a DIY person which I really love.
I have a Pinterest board dedicated to her. Her next venture after doing a show the last part of 2015 is to host The Illuminati Ball and oh how I wish I could go.
Here are some pictures of her in her cake dress, her paintings and other projects. I encourage you to look her up, she's lovely.
*images from her blog, Amazon and Pinterest