Yoshitako Amano, The White Duke
It has always been my estimation that the best way to honor someone like David Bowie, you know one of the giants of humankind, is to do something creative or compassionate in their honor. One big one for me was when Terry Pratchett died. I started writing a story called Adventures in Science Fiction Reality. It's filled with all the stories of things that have happened at Convergence (yeah, you and that thing you did are probably in it) that I am going to publish and share this year during the convention. Whatever it is you do better than anyone(jokes, songs, books, food, conversation, you know what it is..), you should share it with someone- today, tomorrow, very soon. You never think someone like David Bowie would die. As if death is too mundane for the likes of him. But in the end we're all just stardust. Just think though- someday your dust will be mixed with his dust and who knows what that will do?
David Bowie has a story written about him by Neil Gaiman, another one of the great artists. You should have a read.