Ebony Fashion Fair

When I saw this exhibit coming to town I had no idea how great it would actually be. I immediately wanted to go just because I love gowns, dresses, fancy frocks and girly finery. But when I got to the Minnesota History Center and went into the exhibit I had no idea I would learn about a pioneering business in America on the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement. The exhibit was centered around the Ebony magazine fashion fair that used to travel around the southern United States showcasing for the first time in our history models of color. In high fashion most notably. A world that had worked to keep people of color out of it's business. The founding family of Ebony worked tirelessly to change the images of the African American community in America. It was an uphill battle all the way. BUT-if you make the time to read the history of the magazine you will learn a great many awe-inspiring things about Johnson Publishing and the founders. I will leave you with gorgeous gowns- YSL, McQueen, Valentino, Givenchy, Dior.