I’ve taken on the daunting task of organizing my iPhoto library for many reasons, including being able to have an entirely separate library for jewelry photos for my ETSY shop. As I’ve been going through them, all 35,000 + I’ve come across old memories as well as pictures from the start of my jewelry crafting. Little things really. Simple pieces that gave me great joy to create and shipped many off to new homes or gave as gifts to the people I love. It’s fun to see what things have changed or how some of the things are the same except more well defined. I'll say this, I’m so happy that I have better cameras and know more about lighting. I continue to learn to light better and understand photography, especially when I live somewhere like Minnesota where the weather can be very dark for many days, I’m more and more pleased how my things turn out.
Here’s some past pieces. I’ll share more of them on my Facebook page as well. Have a great day!