The RainDrop Girl Christmas Tree

December is a strange month for me. It seems to both fly by and drag on forever. It is a mix of holidays, art successes and failures as well as the anniversary of my mother's death is in this winter chaos. I have been thinking all week about what a roller coaster it is for me. I can't think of another month that is this way for me. This passed year was not the best one I've ever had and I am both trying to let it go and to appreciate the good things and even few amazing things that came out of 2017. I certainly know I am not alone in feeling like overall 2017 was trash. The world at large is greatly suffering and a handful of spiteful, greedy people are running some of the most powerful countries. The overwhelming news each day coupled with personal going ons that is not great makes each day often a struggle to get through with the idea that anything might work out okay in the end. It hasn't felt much like that for me this last year. Everything from having to cut out toxic relationships and of course, being blamed for it because that is what toxic people do to suffering a tremendous creative loss to basically just wanting to scream each time I read the news. After a while of feeling like I might not be getting anywhere, something I am still trying to deal with each day, I started making more projects for myself. Projects definitely seem to be helping me feel better. From small things like making a necklace to big things like painting the entire main floor of my townhouse. I don't know if this is for everyone, but I have read very often that finding a creative outlet can help you deal with a myriad of things from grief to depression to writer's block. In my case, cleaning my house also helps me. Yes, I know that's silly, but it does. There's something about having to get up and focus on the task and then actually having a tangible result after a shorter time period in particular when writing longer books and stories. 

This year we took in a forth cat. He is a total pain in the you know what just like all cats. I have often asserted the one truly selfless thing a human can do is adopt a cat. I haven't been able to put up a Christmas tree for the last couple of years because they will destroy it. This is hard for me emotionally because Christmas was a big deal when I was a kid and one of the few times in my memories that I recall my mother actually enjoying herself. But what can you do? You adopt animals, you make the concessions needed to keep them from eating tinsel and destroying your house. You don't always win, but you know, you try. 

To try to head off the usual massive bout of sadness I encounter I decided I would make myself a tree. I bought a small, black, sparkly tree and made all the ornaments in the theme of a short story I wrote The RainDrop Girl. It was my first time using clay which I got at Micheals and you could easily bake at home though I would suggest running a fan as you do so if you cannot open a window. And I made raindrops, clouds, and a moon topper. Then I took pillow filling and made it a "tree skirt" so it seemed like a cloud. Currently, I am trying to decide if I should leave it up or not since it is not especially Christmas looking. I fitted some of the drops with quartz crystals and threaded them with silver ribbon. I did also make some to give as gifts. Cuz I guess that's who I am now. 

It did help get me through the holidays. It was small enough to move around the house so when I could watch it I had it downstairs and when I can't I keep it in my office. Since my office is filled with my toy collection it seems to rather belong in here. I wrote another short story this year about a mermaid so now I am wondering about making a mermaid themed one....