The Fifth Season

The Fifth Season
 by N.K. Jemisin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is not easy Sci-Fi. This is a book for people who like deeply entrenched stories with their own history and worlds to live in. It's one of the more unique stories I've ever read about the end of the natural world and the people expected to save humanity. And when I say expected, I mean enslaved and forced to live in bondage in order for this to happen. There's something in it that reminds me a lot of Dune. Deeply superstitious societies that finds extraordinary powers of gifted individuals as some sort of supernatural threat that has to be controlled. A high powered organization that spreads it's agenda through the world with the end game always in mind and using the ignorance of the masses to it's advantage. I haven't picked up the next one yet but I plan to, to say this book will leave you wanting more is an understatement. This one is a classic in the making. As a side note: I appreciate the way the main characters sexual relationships are written about and addressed unapologetically and additionally not flagrantly gratuitous. Writing sex is a tricky business in my opinion and doing so in a realistic way that doesn't overtake the point of the story is a skill. 

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