A few weeks ago, my friend took us to learn how to make vodka at Du Nord Craft Spirits.
I've had cocktails here before but this is the first time I've gone on the tour.
I really like their version of the Moscow Mule....onto what we learned that day!
Lessons learnt include:
Not many people know who Ernest Hemingway is-(just us)
Even fewer know who F. Scott Fitzgerald is-(again, just us)
Even though it seems obvious that Du Nord seems like it means North, lots of people could not put that together. (Obvious to...us!)(We are proof drinking vodka makes you s-m-a-r-t)
Making vodka is not particularly safe.
Vodka is pretty much poison.
We are better at drinking vodka than making vodka.
Of the three things Du Nord produces, we all agreed the Apple Liqueur was the best. By a lot.
We are all too lazy to make vodka.
Check them out if you're in town. It's a cool, unique place complete with games and a shuffleboard table.