I have a great admiration for people who deeply immerse themselves into one style and way of life. Especially if it's far outside the norm. When I was a kid growing up I had a friend whose father was crazy about Coca-Cola collectibles and Star Trek. As such most of the house was obsessively decorated with hundreds of items and pieces of art from those two things. Now a fair number of people have an obsessive collection of one kind or another. Though it often starts out with someone noticing one thing in their house like a cat knick-knack and then everyone starts buying them cat knick knacks and that's all they ever get. Or the Star Wars person. We all have one in our lives. We all buy them Star Wars stuff. Most often these people don't get a choice about such things. That's not what I am talking about. I am talking about people who pick something themselves and then make their life that. One good example of this is people who get into the sub-genre of Steampunk. Or what a lot of my friends joke as being : Goths who discover Brown.
The official internet definition of Steampunk is as follows:
Steampunk refers to a subgenre of science fiction and sometimes fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.
This tends to be a group of people who don't do things in half-measure and I suspect if they all could afford it would go ever further with the style.
As someone who feels like my personality is scattered all over the place and not immersed deeply enough into one thing, I find myself in awe over the commitment. I pulled some pictures of home decorating examples off of Pinterest where there is a wealth of Steampunk photos. I'll do a post of steampunk clothing next.