Design Ideas

As I have been looking for paint ideas and such for the kitchen, I have been perusing home tours on Apartment Therapy. I have a love/lukewarm feelings relationship with AT for a few reasons. It is a site I have been reading for a long time. Realistically most of the design on there is just not that interesting to me. But fair enough, that could be said for a lot of people. If everything was your taste then you would have no actual taste. But really I definitely fall in the minority of people in the world who look to decorate their homes. I do not like white, beige, bright, yellow, orange, brown. I do not like mid-century modern, modern and I use IKEA as a tool store not a lifestyle store. As it is I feel like I have too many shelves from there but the size and prices make it pretty easy to shop there. I am a weirdo. I have always been a weirdo and I will continue to get odder as I age. It can't be avoided. So the carefully styled rooms and "strategically" placed yellow vases against bare white walls do not interest me in the least. Mostly they look like offices to me. Or if someone had no real idea what to do with the place. Whatever, just my own opinion. 

That said, there are tours that they post that I really like. The majority come from New Orleans. Not all of them but most of them. Although, something I've noted about the tours in New Orleans is that it seems as though none or very few (though I could not locate any) do not feature any families or people of color. Which is baffling to me. One of the best things about New Orleans is it's rich diversity. At the moment, I am not sure what to think about this, though I find myself troubled by this as I do about many things that don't seem truly representational of our country and the cities within it. Or honestly, come across as racist or demonstrating the troubling economic inequality that plagues our world. I will write more about this at a later time as I sort my thoughts and besides this post is about decorating for the time being. SO! I have pulled a couple of pictures and tours from Apartment Therapy that I really like and I will also post more in the future. I tend to bookmark the ones I like to get inspired later on.

Here's the home of an artist and her partner. Two pictures and the link. I really like the collection of original art and the collection of natural wonders. 


I should say flat out I do not care for taxidermy and leather furniture. They are both trends that I hope go away honestly. Anyway. I really like the use of color in this tour, especially the gray and the unusual backyard. Miranda Lake's beautiful New Orleans home.


I think the truth is that artists tend to have the homes I like the most. Strange and full of their own bizarre and unique minds.  I also find myself envious of the access that people who live in New Orleans have to history, antiques and rich culture. 

I am not crazy about fashion icon items as decor. However, I love the green in the bedroom and the disco ball. Valorie's New Orleans home is a unique place.


I can only hope to be as cool as these people someday. I'll show you some more stuff I like from good ole' AT soon. For those of us who shiver at the words "mid-century modern."