Living in Minnesota is a bit of a surreal affair. Which suits me very well. When it is warm there is ample greenery and flowers with glimmering water and blustery landscapes. When it becomes fall it's like living in an Impressionist painting. Winter is pretty much living on another planet all together. The cold frozen terrains described in science fiction books and alien lands. Add to these climates the barrage of creative endeavors to entertain the populace and express artistically, scientifically and liberally -ideas, notions and environments meaning: There is a lot to do here. Especially if you fall into the kidult category such as I do myself. The unending desire to engage in things meant only for children. The truth is I did my life in reverse. I grew up in a dysfunctional, broken household where I babysat and cleaned and cared for my siblings and a mentally ill mother for much of my childhood. This was not easy, unique nor do I think I was particularly good at it. I can tell you it left little time for my imagination. Survival was first and foremost, really. Thus, I think this background was the precursor to my kidult behavior now. Whatever it may be that made me who I am now I take great delight in things such as the Lego display at the MN Landscape Arboretum. Of course, the man who put together all these installations just did it for the love of it. So I think he is a kidult as well. Also-it's just a gorgeous place anyway.