This Really Does Concern You

People post a million videos on Facebook and blogs. Most don't get viewed unless they are 10 seconds long and have an animal in them. None of us want to continuously be bombarded with all the terrible injustices in the world. I try not to post too many videos unless I think they are really worth watching. I was surprised to find that not only is this worth watching it actually answered questions I've had for some time about food and expiration dates.  So this video does actually have an impact on your life. Everyday and directly. Not indirectly. Not in the the future. Every single day that you eat, open your fridge or go grocery shopping. I did a little more reading after seeing this and John Oliver's research team did their homework. This is factually accurate and actually delivered in a less terrifying and dire way than the truth. I know it'a not adorable and I know it's long but I strongly encourage you to watch it.