My Second Book!

A few snaps of the first copy of my second Sci-Fi book! I actually can't believe I got it together and wrote the second one.


Ok so here's the actual story of it's arrival:

I have been trying to distract myself all morning with videos and the like as I knew the first proof of my book was going to show up at any minute. (It turns out this isn't any easier the second time) I once slammed my thumb in a car door several hours from home and didn't shed a tear, nor when I was hospitalized off and on for a month nor when I had a biking accident that smashed my face into concrete and the ambulance driver kept calling me Brenda. But the doorbell rang and my hands were shaking as I signed for the parcel. As I opened it and felt the tears welling up because I am BAD ASS....My phone started to buzz uncontrollably with texts and calls. It turns out that I am also apparently having an affair with someone's husband. So yeah. This is even better than last year when a pallet full of someone else's book showed up instead of mine. Yes I laughed quite a bit. Even right now as I type this.
