Macy's Flower Show 2015

The traditional visit to Macy's Flower Show took place a little over a month ago. Since my blog was being redesigned I didn't get the pictures up. The theme was Art in Bloom which is actually the name of another event I went to see this weekend (pictures soon). I really like seeing this little show as it's a way to find some magic in the ordinary. The top of a department store does not seem like a place to find a garden yet, every year there is one for at least a couple of weeks. They almost always have some dark blue colored orchid I swoon over but alas I have the most miserable time keeping orchids alive in my house. I don't have enough light. As much as I love them I really don't want to kill anymore of them. I did plant lots of new plants this year and will write about that soon. I have two decks on my house and I am trying to get some use out of them this year. People really get into gardening here and I think it is because we have to spend so much time inside for a lot of the year. The abundance of gardening means that Minnesota looks quite beautiful when it's warm. Have a look at my flower show pictures!