Next Chapter Winery

Two weeks ago on continuing the tours of Minnesota Wine, I went out to Next Chapter Winery in New Prague, MN. It was a gloomy day so it was nice to sit inside and talk to the bartender about the winery. They run on solar power. One of the owners was a pilot from South Africa. The winery it's self used to be a coffee roaster. They also own a bookshop and the other owner has written three books. My favorite of the wines, The Velvet Vines, was the cranberry bubbly. They made it bubbly by mistake and liked it so much they kept it. Well, I brought some home and it is already gone. The winery has barrels you can drink out of and I suppose if you're daring you can mix the wines together(not for me). The MN Blushing Bride white also came home with me and my friends liked that one quite bit.