Party History at CONvergence

It's that time of year again when several friends and I spend a whole lot of time plotting and building and preparing for our party at the CONvergence sci-fi/fantasy convention. As such I've been going through old photos from our very humble beginnings as a Dreaming themed party based on the Sandman graphic novels. These are pictures from 2003-2008 with themes ranging from Asia, Lost Library of Dreams, Midsummer Night's Tale, Nightmares to the love story of Dream falling in love with an Egyptian Princess. We built everything from faux bookshelves to pyramid walls. My friend brews homemade ciders, beer and wines. We make custom labels, cds, gifts and all sorts of giveaways so people have little things to remember us. It's a tremendous amount of work and money but we love it. It's really something when people come to oh and ah over what you can do with a hotel room(turns out it's a lot). Have a look!


Our first sign. Now we have fancy, custom designed and printed ones but everyone starts somewhere.


The Key to Hell is a symbol found in the story. We later designed and cut one out of wood that now hangs in my office.


Our faux library, to represent the Library of Lost Dreams.


We built an entire room within a room with sand painted walls and hieroglyphs for the Egyptian party in 2008.


The Key to Hell and Dragons hand cut and painted.


Nightmare themed party.


We cut "headstones" out of plywood and painted them with chalkboard paint so people could write on them. I still use these every year at Halloween.

We've since moved on from The Dreaming and now did one party with a second on the way based around the theme of my own book series. You can see a post about that here The Naturals.  Have a great day!