Art Junkie

I was just at the MIA this weekend for the Habsburgs exhibit(what a bunch of inbred weirdoes) (but worth it to see the Werewolf Syndrome painting). It was the first known case to be documented.

*source of picture unknown

*source of picture unknown

I was not allowed to take pictures in that exhibit but the first week of Jan. I visited the museum twice in one week. The first visit on Jan. 3rd was to see the Italian Fashion exhibit which was only ok in my opinion. But I did take some snapshots of some cakes created to celebrate the MIA's 100th birthday.

Then I went back with a friend who was in town visiting and she lent me her Olloclip lens to try out on my phone. I still have an iPhone 5 because well, around here we pretty much use things till we cannot anymore. It took some pretty good pictures even with my tired old camera. I will have to get one in the future as I use my phone a lot for snapshots. Have a look: