So this recipe is not one of mine but it is one that I tried and thought came out great. It is a vegan au gratin from the website Forks Over Knives. The mission of Forks Over Knives seems to be teaching people about a plant based diet as a means to fight disease. Now, this information is not new to me but everyone has to learn in their own time. I highly encourage you to try out this recipe. I thought it was very good and it's a nice winter comfort food. The only thing I really changed was not slicing the potatoes with a mandolin. I thought they were too thin so I used a knife instead. I also soaked my cashews for the cream sauce for a couple of hours as opposed to 15 minutes. I think they're easier to blend that way. I used Rainbow Chard, a green I've not cooked with before. I found that I liked it quite a bit. I plan to try out more of the recipes on this site. Here is the link again: Forks Over Knives Au-Gratin. Have a Yummy Day!