Minnesota Monday, Just get outside!

This weekend was in the 20 degree temperaure range and 30 degree range. This means it felt very warm to us winter people. Which means you go outside, at least for me. I went and walked across a lake and then around it. It was so nice to get some outdoor exercise.  I have a bunch of new winter gear that I found at REI so I am warm as can be in my new comfy head-to-toe black snow pants, baselayers, hat and gloves. Walking on the lake was challenging though quite beautiful. The snow was pretty high and since I don't yet have snowshoes (possible future purchase after I try them out) I was lifting my legs very high to climb over the 12"-15" deep snow. It was quite a workout. The walking path part of the hike was much easier in comparsion because a lot of it was shoveled. Sunday took me out to frozen Minnehaha Falls. I'll post pictures from that little trip in a day or two. I am learning to use Photoshop and had my first lesson this morning. That's going to make pictures much more fun. Happy Monday!
