Hungry Hungry Hungry

Fire Noodles at Namaste Cafe.

I recently saw a big poster that said EAT WELL TRAVEL OFTEN and I thought-YES! I have taken on the very big task of truly organizing my photos and it's taking a long time but it's also showing me things I've long forgotten about. One thing I have been trying to get better at is my photos of food. As someone who tries to share what is important to me about my diet i.e. meat-free, healthy and adventurous, I think having terrible food photos would most certainly not communicate that and they would possibly end up in places such as Somebody Ate That and completely defeat the purpose of taking food photos. Here are a few that I came across recently that I thought looked pretty yummy.


Homemade Coconut Curry-recipe soon!


Homemade Green Beans-SO EASY! Wash, snap off ends, heat wok up pretty hot, flash fry them with tamari and chopped garlic. Takes about 10 minutes total and most of that time is washing.


Instagram snap of vegan donuts from Glam Doll Donuts.

Epic salad bar at Q Cumbers. Very Veg Friendly.


Homegrown basil on top of Victoria Vegan Alfredo Sauce. Served with bow tie pasta(my favorite) with soy chicken strips and pine nuts. YUM YUM YUM.


I'll be making these tonight: Tofu Fajitas loosely based on this recipe: Tofu Fajitas. I make mine more spicy and use all vegan products. NO sour cream cuts the fat intake.

Potatoes from Mill City Farmer's Market, homegrown rosemary with herbs from Penzey's Spices (Bavarian Seasoning is the name of the blend), olive oil, all chopped and placed in foil then cooked on the grill. Easy and very tasty.


My favorite pizza from Punch Pizza. The Gigi: olive oil, garlic, basil, cherry tomatoes. Simple and perfect. 

Have a tasty day!