Minnesota Monday, Remodel Reality.

I love decorating blogs. I love looking on Pinterest for decorating ideas. What's more is that I really like doing a lot of things myself and so does my boyfriend. That said decorating blogs and pinterest can sometimes drive me more than a little nuts because no one ever seems to ever have any problems with anything. Everything seems to go smoothly and on schedule. Maybe it's just me and I carry some sort of remodeling curse but things almost never go right and they are NEVER on schedule. No one tells you that truth. What takes forever first in our world is that we won't go into debt to do house projects. With that rule we have not remodeled much of our house nor have we done a big project in about 5 years. We've remodeled our office, media room, master closet and laundry room. Well now we've gotten back to it and have been working on our bedroom and we are now nearly three months past schedule. There is an end in sight finally but let me tell you, if it could go wrong it has gone wrong. I'm going to share a few snapshots from my phone of the work and will hopefully be able to show you more soon. Like in a week, fingers crossed. Oh and the reason this is Minnesota Monday and not some fun winery or musem visit is because this project has been taking up most of our time....