For 14 years now I've been attending CONvergence. A sci-fi/fantasy convention here in the Twin Cities. It's sort of amazing to look back over the years and reflect upon all the things I've done and seen there. I've hosted huge room parties (I'll have to post about that later), I've seen shows, met writers including Neil GaimanEmma Bull and Will Shetterly, gone to panels with fascinating people, danced till the wee hours of the morning. CON is bigger than it's ever been. I'd go as far to say it's outgrown the hotel it's currently in. Which is both wonderful as the acceptance of geekery has really grown and somewhat bittersweet as I am fond of the hotel it's in: DoubleTree, as it holds many happy memories for me. I want to see CON continue to grow. The Geek Scene, as it were, here in the Twin Cities deserves more note then it currently recieves. The cities are filled with writers, artisits, film makers, scientists, gamers, cosplayers, etc...of every imaginable and unimaginable world.


It's always over the Fourth of July weekend. Of course, that meant a British Invasion theme sooner or later. 

And since, Dr. Who has never been more popular it seems like it was good to happen this year.