Things to do in 2012, not when you're dead.

Thinking about things I'd like to accomplish this year.
The last month has been rather quiet as I was sick for about 3 weeks.
It started on such a high note with the success of the NYE party!
I did get to have a weekend with some friends in a cabin in Wisconsin a couple of weeks ago which was lots of fun even though I was still on meds.
1. Clean out my closet. I know this is stupid but I have so many clothes I don't wear. I used to manage a huge thrift store and it's pretty easy to buy everything you want for $1. I've actually started this project and I am halfway done.
I decided to try on everything I own and if it doesn't at the very least make me feel cute & comfortable, I'm getting rid of it. Life is too short to look like crap in your clothes. Plus, being a girl is hard enough without hating what you're wearing! It's already been making me feel better.
2. I am going to learn to make bread. I have this friend who is an amazing cook and bread baker. He's going to come over very soon for lessons!
3. I am going to make 300 pieces of jewelry. I've started making things and will be off to pick up supplies tonight at a sale!! Woohoo!
4. I want to explore some of the little towns around Minnesota. There was a great article in a regional magazine last summer talking about all the cute and quirky places around here!
5. I want to continue to stay healthy and exercise. I lost about 15 lbs. last year with biking and walking. I'm going to keep this up~ Plus, walking home from work saves money and pollution which makes me even happier!
6. I need to practice my French and get to work learning Spanish.
7. This is a huge one for me. I have been working on three YA books and I'm going to finish at least two this year.
8. I am going to get my blog all tricked out! I can do some of it but, I'm going to start enlisting all my geek friends for help!

That's what I got so far. I'm sure I have a million other little goals every day! :oP
Happy Chinese New Year !