I only just realized I had pictures from my visit to St. Croix Vineyard from October. I had gone out there on my birthday weekend for the wine festival they were having. We had a great time but it was super crowded and it started to rain so we did not get to explore the grounds as much as I wanted. I want to go back when it's warmer. It's located in the town of Stillwater, Minnesota -a place I LOVE to visit when it's warm. The river is so beautiful and antique shopping there is AMAZING. They have a pretty big operation that includes a huge shop of apple goods. Including vegan apple pastries and vegan apple crumble. My favorite of the wines we had there was the Vignole and we brought home a bottle of the raspberry dessert wine which we had Christmas night and it was super yummy.
Inspire, The Met.
I love art museums. I love photographing them as well so that I can go back through what amazed me and be amazed all over again. I went to The Met in New York about 3 and 1/2 years ago, I fell in love over and over again. I was looking through those photos recently to be reminded of the wonderful things people can create.
Museums have given me endless decorating ideas for both home and events as well as inspired writing, never mind all the jewelry. Have a great day!
Your Weekly Meow-Featuring the Cats of Hawaii!
CatDay~ Have a Happy Weekend!
The Cabin in the Woods
When I first moved here I was continually hearing stories about "Going to the Cabin." This was something Minnesotans did all the time. Weekends, holidays, vacations. More often than not it was a cabin owned by them and one or two other members of the family a few hours drive time from the city. They had SUVs, boats, jet skis, bikes, canoes, kayaks, grills...anything you can buy at a fancy sporting goods store, they had it. Or I should say still do. As the "Going to the Cabin" activity has not lessened in popularity. I was baffled by this tradition. This is not something that was done very often in the South. I did spend a few weeks in cabins in New Mexico but it was not a weekly activity as it so often is here in the North. And we certainly did not have $100k worth of equipment to take with us to these places. Cabins are monuments for Minnesotans. They pay homage to the outdoors, to nature, to beer. Sacred places of bonding and drinking, of getting away from it all(well, except all the expensive things you are taking with you). A few months ago, I asked my boyfriend, who grew up here and spent half his childhood in cabins, WTH? He didn't really have an answer. Then strangely enough a week after that our neighborhood newspaper published an article about "cabining it" and where it came from. Minnesota has deep Scandanavian roots, the King and Queen of Sweden have been known to visit. Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands or as I jokingly refer to them: the places where white people come from. Spending weekends at cabins is a long held tradition in those countries and as people have grown up from generations of immigrants here in the States it has become a tradition here as well. Well, now I like it too. I've done it about 4 times and loved every visit. This last time a couple of weeks ago I went sledding for the first time and well, that was just ridiculously fun. For me and my friends- it's food, laziness, drinks, games and some sportlike activity(though let's not get too crazy because well, the laziness). I'll leave you with some pictures from Danbury and Siren, Wisconsin as well as a video that will explain it all.
Frozen Wonderfalls
Technically, Niagra Falls is Wonderfalls but this is the first time I've seen a frozen waterfall so for me it is a wonder. Winter is long and harsh, no doubt about that. But it is also unusual and beautiful. It makes you grateful for nice weather and green growing things. I went out to Minnehaha Park, a place I love here in the city. I try to go a couple of times in the warmer weather to see Minnehaha Falls. It was above zero which translates to nice weather this time of year so off for a visit I went. Ice is so amazing.
Chateau St. Croix and Winery, St. Croix River
I'm not sure I'm ever going to get used to standing on frozen water. A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I went out to a winery in St. Croix Falls, WI. It is a very lovely place as it was modeled after a Chateau in the Rhine Valley in Europe. Wisconsin is a beautiful state and I have spent a lot of time there exploring. It has many unusual attractions as well as miles of undisturbed forest. This particular winery was very pretty and I loved the award winning Rośe they serve. I brought some home for Christmas Eve dinner and it was quite wonderful. I really want to go back in the spring when it's green to wander the land and to check out the little village nearby. On the way back to home, we stopped and I stood on the frozen St. Croix River which I have never done before. I've been on a frozen lake a few times but not a river. It was strange to see it unfrozen further down. If you'd like a nice place to spend an afternoon you should head out to Chateau St. Croix and Winery. They have wines, chocolates and snacks. Make time to stop in the town. It looks to be very charming. Cheers!
Minnesota Monday- Our Tree is as Big as Yours!
Of course we all know the tree in Rockefeller Center in New York. I would guess it might be one of- if not the most famous Christmas tree in the world. But what you don’t know is that right here in Minnesota’s state capital city of St. Paul is a tree just as big and just as lovely. Perhaps not as famous but maybe someday. If you can you should go visit the lights and trees in Rice Park….I wish all of you the Happiest of Holidays whatever they may be that you celebrate and a Happy New Year!
It's easy to love cats of all types.
Christmas Fairy Lights
A little walk through Mears Park in St. Paul, Minnesota.
For the Love of Snow
My boyfriend likes to tease me about how many snow pictures I take. Every year I run out to get pictures of the first of the fallen snow on trees, the ground and the lakes. I can't help it really. Newly fallen snow is so beautiful to me. I hope the excitement of it never wears off.
Something Wicked this Way Comes...
What to Eat Wednesday
So, I am going to start regularly featuring subjects. I started last week with Friday now being CatDay. Now Wednesdays will be about food. What to Eat Wednesdays will be either a place to eat or a recipe to make at home. I am going to start with a place I ate at 4 times on a vacation about a month and a half ago simply because it was so great and so was the staff- they deserve any attention they get.
The place in question is Green Vegetarian in San Antonio, Texas. I was in Texas for 7 days and ate here 4 times and also stopped to buy a dozen cupcakes for a family gathering. The entire bakery is vegan and wonderful. I spoke with the resident baker one day and not only is she talented, she is super cool. I wish I'd taken her picture. She also makes vegan dog treats.
Vegan breakfast seems to be the hardest meal to find in restaurants. I was very pleased to have breakfast at Green twice and it was amazing both times. My favorite was the Vegan Migas which was a combination of tofu scramble with tortilla chips and refried black beans.
I do hope if you ever have the chance you'll stop by Green. The staff was very nice and had no problems with you asking a million questions. For other suggestions on where to eat when traveling check out Veg Guide. It is a website that has been an invaluable resource for me the last 10 years of traveling.
Have a cupcake filled day!
The San Antonio Zoo, your daily dose of cute
It's hard to explain how I feel about zoos sometimes. I wish they didn't exist but I know some creatures and plants have only survived because someone cared enough to put them in a zoo. And of course, there's also the fact that I was taken on four first dates in a row to the zoo when I would tell people I was a vegetarian. So there's that too. The San Antonio Zoo is a place that has been working for animal conservation for a long time. I am glad that there are kind and dedicated people who take care of these wonderful creatures.
San Antonio Museum of Art
Going through many, many pictures. Here are some favorites from the art museum from my visit in September.
The SAMA showcases a lot of Hispanic and Latin art. Including lots from the immediate region. I never pass up a chance to go to an art musuem.
San Antonio Botanical Garden
I recently went to Texas and visited many cool places in the city of San Antonio. Starting with the San Antonio Botanical Garden. I took A LOT of pictures because there were so many unusual plants to see, touch and smell. It's a great, well-kept place to visit. I highly recommend it. Now for a whole bunch of pictures!
OK, so the bats weren't really there. I did see one but, they do live there in the winter....oh where? That would probably be a good thing to tell you. In Crystal Cave in Wisconsin. So after hiking in Northern Wisconsin earlier this summer and learning that some of the rocks and land here are the oldest in the world, I made up my mind to explore more. This place is about an hour from my home and offers a tour that goes 70 feet under the surface to show you a bit about the geological wonders that is the midwest! ;o) Plus, it was 50 degrees underground which was a very nice break from the August heat!
Parley Lake Winery
As my exploration of Minnesota Wineries continues, I find that I am surprised how each seems to be a different experience. My visit to Parley Lake Winery included seeing llamas, tractor rides, a band and someone making pizzas in the back of an old fire truck(which I didn't get a picture of...boo!) I might add the Frontenac wine=YUM. I also very much enjoyed all the white wines they made. I seem to like white wine in the summertime quite a bit.
Westwood Hills Nature Center
One of my absolute favorite things about Minnesota is nature is everywhere. You can live in the city but within a mile not feel like you do. Hidden away just a few miles from my home and just off a highway is the Westwood Hills Nature Center. A little green gem in the midst of a busy neighborhood. It's an easy hike around the lake. It's quiet and full of birds and dragonflies. So when you've had "one of those days," you can head over there for a bit of peace.
Underwater Adventure
Perhaps the last place you'd think to find sharks and sting rays is probably a mall. And if you did think they might be there you might think they were stuck in some awful, small place. Now, it's true they don't have the whole ocean to be in anymore but, many of these animals are rescues and they are brought to their new home at the Mall of America in Minnesota of all the places in the world! I was taken here for a friend's birthday and was pleasantly surprised by how well-kept and extensive this place is- it was really a cool experience. It sits at the very bottom of the Mall of America. The place, MN Sea Life, offers great deals for exploring too. If you find yourself at the mall which, honestly, when you live here doesn't happen often, you should stop in. Leave yourself about 90 minutes to get through and explore. It was nice to be reminded that even though the mall might seem sort of silly sometimes it still offers some unique places to visit.
The Wonderful & Tremendous NORTHERN SPARK!
This is the 3rd year of Northern Spark and I had not been able to make it to the first two years, much to my disappointment. But I went this year and oh my, I loved it. I didn't make it till sunrise but I'm going to try again next year. All the projects and people and food and positive energy! Snacking on the railroad tracks, listening to the river, launching glow in the dark water balloons....eeeeeeppppp! It was so much fun! I didn't get nearly enough pictures!