The Artwork of Kim Simonsson


I recently went to see an exhibit by artist Kim Simonsson at the American Swedish Institute.

A place I have seen some of the most delightful, whimsical art and as someone who has gone to lots of former fancy people homes I can speak with authority to the fact that it also has some of the best wood work, ceilings, and fireplaces in the world. 

It is kept up better than a lot of places and seems to specialize in unique Scandinavian art. 

This exhibit was no exception. 

It had a dreamy, romantic quality with just a touch of creepiness that all fairy tales seem to possess. 

People always point to bright, glossy wedding pictures and proclaim fairy tale, leaving out that fairy tales are darkness filled cautionary tales that include a lot of work to make it to the dreamy wedding/ending. 

I have also attended a few events at the ASI including the Loki Halloween party a few years ago and they are good fun. They sadly never have any vegan treats, but you can usually get a pretty good drink from the bar. 

In years passed, my partner and I used to purchase mystery books in Swedish from the gift shop for his hundred-year-old grandfather which was of great delight to him. 

The shop has a great number of lovely things to behold and I always stop in there as well on a visit. It's probably my second favorite in town to visit behind the Russian Art Museum's shop which has no shortage of wondrous objects. 

I leave you with a collection of snaps I took on this visit: The Moss People